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Updated: August 21, 2024

"Now," said John Speed to William Brenton, "we have got Stratton fairly started on the track, and I believe that he will ferret out the truth in this matter. But, meanwhile, we must not be idle. You must remember that, with all our facilities for discovery, we really know nothing of the murderer ourselves. I propose we set about this thing just as systematically as Stratton will.

Ned saw the girl's other hand move quickly up to where the gas bracket met the wall and then the light went out altogether. "That's for poking fun," he heard her say. The door slammed, a key turned in it and he heard her laughing on the other side. "Larrikin!" shouted Stratton, boisterously. "Come out here and see what we'll do to you.

Stratton preferred to lay it to his imagination, and was glad of the diversion caused by the introduction of the young man, who proved to be Miss Manning's brother. Buck was not at all impressed by the fellow's handsome face, athletic figure, and immaculate clothes.

"Didn't you say this Stratton was in France for months before he was killed?" Pop nodded hearty agreement. "That's jest what I said, an' so did Bloss. But according to Thorne this here transfer was made a couple uh weeks before Stratton went over to France." "But that's impossible!" exclaimed Buck hotly. "How could he have " He ceased abruptly and bit his lip. Daggett chuckled.

The horse walked slowly and philosophically through the pitiless storm, the steam majestically rising from the old manure-cart, to the no small disturbance of their unfortunate olfactories. "It will take two hours to get to Brussels at this rate," growled Stratton. "Oh, no," replied the boy; "it will only take about two hours from the time we started."

"It's a Mexican eating-house, as I remember. Most of the stores an' decent places are up further." "Wonder where Hardenberg hangs out?" remarked Stratton. "Yuh got me. I never had no professional use for him before. Reckon most anybody can tell us, though. That looks like a cow-man over there. Let's ask him."

"Besides, I don't guess any of us would of thought to look in that loft." "Maybe not. It doesn't matter. We didn't." Stratton's voice was brittle. "But if anything happens " "Have they locked up the whole house?" Jessup asked as Stratton paused. "Yes, but what good'll that do with two able-bodied men set on getting in? There isn't a door or shutter that wouldn't " "Two!" gasped Bud.

Sooner we're off this here trail the better." Without further delay they rode on down the slope, paused for a moment or two at the spring in the hollow to water the horses, and then pushed on again. Passing the entrance to the gulch, Jessup glanced that way curiously. "Mebbe they're on their way to dispose of yore corpse, Buck," he chuckled. Stratton grinned.

Brenton all the news, and her face flushed with eager pleasure as she listened to the recital. "Now," said the Chicago man, "I am going to leave Cincinnati. Are you sorry I am going?" "No," said Mrs. Brenton, looking him in the face, "I am not sorry." Stratton flushed at this, and then said, taking his hat in his hand, "Very well, madam, I shall bid you good day." "I am not sorry," said Mrs.

Her mother was as excellent a woman as had ever sent forth a family of daughters into the world, and I do not know that any one ever objected to her as being ignorant, or specially vulgar; but the house in Stratton was not like Clavering Rectory in the little ways of living, and this Florence Burton had been clever enough to understand.

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