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She suddenly bethought herself to scold Sir Samuel about "Bertie," from whom a letter had evidently been forwarded, and who had been spending too much money to please her ladyship. "That stepson of yours is a regular bad egg," said she. "Never you mind," retorted Sir Samuel, defending his favourite. "Many a bad egg has turned over a new leaf."

A separation preceded and caused by such circumstances as this was, could not fail to be attended with bitterness on both sides; yet one could have wished to see in a letter which is believed, and probably was intended, to be the last ever addressed by him to her, some recollection, not only of what he himself had done for his stepson, but that once, to use his own expression, "the boy" had "saved his life;" and that, after all, if he was under obligations to Nelson, he would have been more than youth, had no intemperance of expression mingled with the resentment he felt for the slights offered his mother in the face of the world.

Before him stood a dainty, delicate little form, all gay with white lace, and broideries, and rose ribbons, and floating hair fastened backward with a golden fillet; it was that of the little Lady Venetia, the only daughter of the House of Lyonnesse, by a late marriage of his Grace, the eight-year-old sister of the colossal Seraph; the plaything of a young and lovely mother, who had flirted in Belgravia with her future stepson before she fell sincerely and veritably in love with the gallant and still handsome Duke.

The provisions of the will were, that with the exception of various specified legacies, his entire estate, real and personal, should be given to his stepson Prince; and it was carefully worded, with the avowed intention of barring all claims that might be presented by Ellice Brentano or her heirs." "Do you recollect any allusion to jewelry?"

And he perceived that, though a casual observer might fail to find the points of resemblance between them, they were rather alike. "I expect," said he, "it's pretty well known i' this town as I'm not one that beats about the bush." "Good!" said she. "You know my stepson, Emanuel?" "He was here a bit since," James replied. "What do you think of him?" "How?" "As a man?"

His interview with his stepson is universally known. "See," he said, "how a Christian can die." The piety of Addison was, in truth, of a singularly cheerful character. The feeling which predominates in all his devotional writings is gratitude.

Cavendish does not object " "Not at all," interpolated John. "I do not see any reason why I should not answer your question. By her last will, dated August of last year, after various unimportant legacies to servants, etc., she gave her entire fortune to her stepson, Mr. John Cavendish." "Was not that pardon the question, Mr. Cavendish rather unfair to her other stepson, Mr. Lawrence Cavendish?"

Yielding to a sudden, irresistible impulse, he exclaimed: "Tell me, in God's name, who you are and what you want of me?" The answer came in a clear, distinct voice: "I am Elizabeth Ashol. I am suffering for a wrong done to my stepson, Gilbert, a monk of your Order. Say Mass for my soul and I shall have rest." Then the figure vanished. Father Vansome naturally had no more sleep that morning.

Stokes was your stepson." "If you had been, you jolly well wouldn't have taken the engagement what?" remarked Bertie, with a hateful laugh. This time Jack condescended to look at him; from the head down, from the feet up. "Really," he said, after an instant's reflection, "it wouldn't have been fair to Sir Samuel to feel a prejudice on account of the relationship.

"Thank you," said Raffles, making a grimace. "I don't care now about seeing my stepson. I'd rather go home with you." "Your stepson, if Mr. Rigg Featherstone was he, is here no longer. I am master here now." Raffles opened wide eyes, and gave a long whistle of surprise, before he said, "Well then, I've no objection. I've had enough walking from the coach-road.