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Updated: August 2, 2024

She dropped Jane's arm and all but gasped: "When did you see me there?" "The day of that absurd police business when my friend Miss Stearns was so humiliated," Jane said severely. "Oh, Miss Allen," and tears welled into Sarah's eyes. "I can't explain, and I am so miserable. Perhaps perhaps I should not try " Tears choked the wretched girl, and Jane relented at sight of her misery.

Garrison was mobbed: Phillips, who might have amassed wealth, like Phocian, died in poverty: Sumner was murderously assaulted: John Brown, lost his life; and George L. Stearns, died of unresting toil during the war, and wrecked his fortune: but Whittier represented the heart of the American people, and after the publication of "Barbara Frietchie" the tide turned in his favor.

"Say, Dinks!" whispered Dozia from her side of the big double bed, "what do you think Judy will say to all this?" "Judy had her own fun and shouldn't complain. Wasn't she all nicely arrested and tried at a regular police court? What's a spook and a fire to that!" But Jane knew better. That night at Lenox was a "thriller" indeed, and Judith Stearns might well envy her chums its experiences.

Finally one said: "Brother Strong, I'm afraid the church will object to receiving the sexton. What is his name?" "Henry Roland." "Why, he has been sexton of Calvary Church for ten years," said another, an older member of the committee, Deacon Stearns by name. "He has been an honest, capable man. I never heard any complaint of him. He has always minded his own business.

"I never was able to take you er somewhat jovial views of an officer's duty, Stearns," sighed Lieutenant Willow. Nevertheless, he selected a cigar, bit off the end, lighted it and took a few whiffs, Lieutenant-Commander Stearns all the while regarding his comrade in arms with twinkling eyes.

"Insufficient water drinking is perhaps the commonest cause of the interruption of the normal life processes," says Doctor Theron C. Stearns. But the common drinking cup in public places probably causes far more disease than the drinking itself prevents. Particles of dead skin and disease-germs are left in the cup by each drinker. Some of the most serious diseases may be carried in this way.

And declared that such an accusation is without a shadow of truth to support it. Charles Stearns, the representative of the New England Society, leaped to his feet and denounced the platform in withering tones. He fairly shrieked his final sentence: "All honest anti-slavery men, here and elsewhere, will spit on your platform!" He paused and faced the leaders who had drafted it.

The girls looked from one to the other and finally Judith Stearns saved the situation by proposing that the juniors line up to help the seniors show newcomers about the grounds. On this day at least, class lines were forgotten at Wellington. "We were just waiting for you Janie," she declared adroitly, "and Mildred Manners has been whoo-hooing her lungs out across the campus.

With the exception of a valuable paper on Labrador in the "Encyclopedia Britannica," little of a modern and useful character has been written giving anything like a fair description of the country and its resources. Mr. Stearns book supplies the omission, and is cordially to be commended. It ought to pave the way for a good many excursion parties. By Henry M. Stanley, 2 vols.

"I thank the attorney for the government for that admission, may it please the court," said Knights, rising, with a sarcastic glance at Stearns. "I may wish to make use of it." "Are you counsel for the prisoner, sir?" sharply demanded the other.

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