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Them was the words you used 'fritterin'' and 'vain foolishment. Mebbe you're right, suh, about the fritterin' part; but ef spendin' money in a certain way gives a man ez much pleasure ez it's give me these last two months, and ef the money is his'n by rights, I figger it can't be so very foolish; though it may 'pear so to some.

I did not know what to say till 'Grammer Miller, as the children call her, happened to say, when she took up her knitting after the lecture, 'If folks who go spendin' money reckless on redic'lus toys for Christmas only knew what nice things, useful and fancy, me and Almiry could make ef we had the goods, they'd jest come round this corner and buy 'em, and keep me out of a Old Woman's Home and that good, hard-workin' gal of mine out of a 'sylum; for go there she will ef she don't get a boost somehow, with rent and firin' and vittles all on her shoulders, and me only able to wag them knittin'-needles.

The pulsating throb of the old engine aboard the sloop had long since ceased to make itself heard, so that they could with reason believe McGrath and his pal well on the way to their distant goal, with no sign of stormy weather to be seen in the southwestern heavens. "How 'bout spendin' the night here, partner?"

"Seems to me she did pretty well here; I don't see any kicks due her." "Yes, but she's like all the rest. The West was good enough to make her money in, but the East gets her when spendin' time comes." As the train started he swung himself off with a sad little "Be good to yourself!"

The occasion of a girl's "furnishing" was a notable one, usually celebrated by a party; and it was this fact that led her stepmother to remark presently: "Say, pop, are you furnishin' fur Tillie, now she's comin' eighteen years old?" "I ain't thought about it," Mr. Getz answered shortly. "That front room's furnished good enough a'ready. No I ain't spendin' any!"

AIN'T he, now, a queer feller not to want a girl along when one was so handy?" teased the doctor. "Well," retorted Amanda, "I think he's hard up to be spendin' a whole afternoon READIN'!" "Oh, Doc!" Tillie leaned forward and whispered, "he's up in his room and perhaps he can hear us through the register!"

"You knaw best, Will, dearie; you nearly allus knaw best; but your heart's bigger 'n your pocket an' a li'l child do call so loud for the spendin' o' money." "Aye, I knaw, I knaw; 'tis a parent's plaace to stand up for his offspring through fire an' water; an' I reckon I won't be the worst faither as ever was, either. I can mind the time when I was young myself. Stern but kind's the right rule.

This seemed to tickle him mightily for some reason. "By gum, but you be a rare un, ecod!" he cried, slapping his leg. "Gi'e us some more, lad I'd rayther laugh than eat any day sing us a song step us a jig, will 'ee? Come, I don't mind payin' for 't. I du love a good laugh an' I'll pay. I don't mind spendin' a penny no b' gum, 'ere's a groat there y' are! Now tip us a song or jig come!"

"I don't want anybody here but my husband and Mrs. Smithers!" "Set quiet, my dear, an' make your mind easy. I'm sure Ebeneezer never intended his death to make any difference in my spendin' the Summer here, especially when I'm fresh from another bereavement, but if you're in earnest about closin' your doors on your poor dead aunt's relations, why I'll see what I can do." "Oh, if you could!"

Was you figurin' on investin' a little of it now?" "Yes, suh; I was." "About how much did you think of spendin' fur a beginnin'?" O'Day squinted his eyes, his lips moving in silent calculation. "Well, suh," he said at length, "I could use ez much ez a silver dollar. But, of course, sence " "That sounds kind of moderate to me," broke in Judge Priest.