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I believed I should like it. I always liked animals." "Uh-huh so do I." It was not just what Charming Billy most wanted to say, but that much was perfectly safe, and noncommittal to say. Mr. Dill was silent a minute, looking speculatively across to the Hardup Saloon which was practically empty and therefore quite peaceful.

"Come along, Danny boy." As the two midshipmen lifted their caps and hastened away, Fields gazed after them speculatively: "There goes the Navy's strength in to-day's game," he announced. "I wonder if we have done Prescott any wrong?" said another cadet slowly. "That question has been settled by formal class action," replied another. "It's a closed matter."

Didn't it embarrass you when your voice broke like that?" went on the questioner, breathlessly. Lorry was now leaning back in the seat, quite a little mystified. "I don't believe mine ever broke like that," he said, speculatively. There was no response, and he sat silent for some time, regretting more and more that it was so dark.

"They are not only dangerous, but they do terrible damage to the Canal and the machinery. We want no more slides." "But some are predicted," Blake remarked. "Yes, I know they say they come every so often. But now it would take a pretty big one to do much damage. We have nearly tamed Culebra." "If there came a big slide here it would block the Canal," observed Mr. Alcando, speculatively.

There had been no hitch or mishap. No one had been abroad in the late afternoon to mark their movements and in a little while Fishhead ought to be due. Jake's woodman's eye followed the downward swing of the sun speculatively. The shadows, thrown shoreward, lengthened and slithered on the small ripples. The small noises of the day died out; the small noises of the coming night began to multiply.

"What does your brother do?" he asked, indifferently. "He's one of the weighers at Arneel & Co. He expects to be a manager sometime." She smiled. Cowperwood looked at her speculatively, and after a momentary return glance she dropped her eyes. Slowly, in spite of herself, a telltale flush rose and mantled her brown cheeks. It always did when he looked at her.

They were in the dining-room now, all save Di, who was on the porch with Bobby, and Monona, who was in bed and might be heard extravagantly singing. Lulu sat down with her hat on. When Dwight inquired playfully, "Don't we look like company?" she did not reply. He looked at her speculatively. Where had she gone, with whom had she talked, what had she told? Ina looked at her rather fearfully.

For several minutes he smoked in silence, a vague, troubled look playing over his countenance. Presently this passed away, and he fixed his gray eyes speculatively upon my face. "If I had married Mehetabel," said Mr. Jaffrey, slowly, and then he hesitated. I blew a ring of smoke into the air, and, resting my pipe on my knee, dropped into an attitude of attention.

Instantly he recognised his mistake, and for a moment he felt as if he were stumbling blindfold through an unknown country. He experienced a sudden sense of vacuity as if his mind were a blank and all words futile. It was now Stanley's turn to break the silence, and unconsciously he did it very well. "I wonder," he said speculatively, "whether he has brought any chocolate creams?"

To insure the further success of his plan, Gould subsidized General Butterfield, whose appointment as sub-treasurer at New York Corbin claimed to have brought about. Gould testified in 1870 that he had made a private loan to Butterfield, and that he had carried speculatively $1,500,000 for Butterfield's benefit.