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But under Bessy's eye she certainly was it continued to rest on her curiously, speculatively, with an under-gleam of malicious significance. "So stupid of me I can't imagine why I should have expected my husband to write to me!" Bessy went on, leaning back in lazy contemplation of her other letters, but still obliquely including Justine in her angle of vision.

Keith looked up speculatively as his father appeared at the doorway to the parlour a man of medium height, who stooped because he was nearsighted, and so looked shorter than he was, but also stronger because of the great width of his shoulders. "I can tell you," the father put in.

"Maybe we'd better go back and tell Captain Strong about this first," Astro said speculatively. "There's no telling what Brett and Miles are liable to do while we're gone," said Tom. "You find Captain Strong and I'll go down into the shaft and look around." "Not on your life," protested Astro. "You don't think I'd let you go down there alone, do you?

Also, in letters written that same year to William Blyenbergh one finds expressed some of the chief conclusions published five years later in the Tractatus Theologico-Politicus. And Spinoza wrote, at this early period, not conjecturally or speculatively, but as one writes who knows the firm and tested grounds of his belief.

"'Bout how much dew you expect she'll pan out?" queried Ham, as Dave scraped out the last spoonful of sand and gravel and threw it into the pan. "Somewhere between three and four ounces," answered Dave. "At least that is about what we usually clean out. How does she feel, Hank?" and he turned to his partner, who was running his fingers speculatively through the wet sand in the pan.

Kent lighted his pipe, eyeing her a bit speculatively as she seated herself on the stool, leaning toward him as she waited for an answer to her question. "The woods, the river, everywhere," he said. "They'll look for a missing boat, of course. We've simply got to watch behind us and take advantage of a good start." "Will the rain wipe out our footprints, Jeems?" "Yes. Everything in the open."

He waited for his guest, or, rather, this intruder, to break the silence. And as Cathewe did not speak at once, there was a tableau during which each was speculatively busy with the eyes. "The vicissitudes of time," said Cathewe, "have left no distinguishable marks upon you." Breitmann bowed. He remained standing. And Cathewe had no wish to sit. "I never expected to see you in this house."

"Well, then," persisted Lady Agatha, "you are going out to fight them?" "I should not be surprised," said Cleggett, folding his arms, and standing with his feet spread just a trifle wider than usual, "if the Jasper B. had a brush or two with them. A brush or two!" Lady Agatha regarded him speculatively. But admiringly, too. "But those nurses " she said.

November came in with a blizzard; one of those sudden, sweeping whirls of snow, with bitter cold and a wind that drove the fine snow-flour through shack walls and around window casings, and made one look speculatively at the supply of fuel.

After a closer scrutiny, however, his face turned blank. Slowly he stepped back and muttered something to his companions. At this Pedro's eyes narrowed speculatively. But his expression did not change, and he said nothing.