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"Why go over old ground? If you really have any definite suggestion to make, why not make it?" Rivington clasped his hands about his knees. He continued to look at her speculatively, his pipe between his teeth. "Look here, Chirpy," he said, after a moment, "I can't help thinking that you would be better off and a good deal happier if you married." "If I married!"

More than once she had stopped and eyed it speculatively, and the day before she had gone so far as to lift an end of it tentatively; but she had found it very heavy, and she had also disturbed a lot of black bugs that went scurrying here and there, so that she was forced to gather her skirts close about her and run for her life.

"I swung down here to make camp off the trail But it's only a half mile or so over this rise that looks level to you, to where the lava ledge peters out so we can ride over it easier than we rode up off the river-flat in that loose sand. That ease your mind any?" "Helps some," Big Medicine admitted, his eyes going speculatively to the rise that looked perfectly level.

Running his hands over his body, Ross inventoried what remained of his clothing and possessions. He unfastened the bronze chain-belt still buckled in his kilt tunic, swinging the length speculatively in one hand.

"How would Rapport use the death thought, I wonder?" asked Craig speculatively, breaking the silence. Blair answered quickly. "Suppose some one tried to break away, to renounce the Lodge, expose its secrets. They would treat him so as to make him harmless perhaps insane, confused, afraid to talk, paralyzed, or even to commit suicide or be killed in an accident.

But presently Tottykins postponed her well-advertised return to her husband and baby, and gave a ten-minute dramatic recital from Byron; and the younger Johnson sang a Swiss mountaineer song with yodels. Gertie looked speculatively at Carl twice during this offering. He knew that the gods were plotting an abominable thing.

"Mind telling?" she inquired lightly. Peter looked at her speculatively. "And would a man be telling his heart's best secret to a kid like you?" he asked. "Now, I call that downright mean," said Linda. "Haven't you noticed that my braids are up? Don't you see a maturity and a dignity and a general matronliness apparent all over me today?" "Matronliness" was too much for Peter.

If you are sufficiently at leisure, oblige me with an account of your plan of life at Stowey; your literary occupations and prospects, in short, make me acquainted with every circumstance which, as relating to you, can be interesting to me. Are you yet a Berkleyan? Make me one. I rejoice in being, speculatively, a necessarian. Would to God I were habitually a practical one!

Kerr sat looking speculatively into the glowing pit below, the firelight red over him in strong contrast of gleam and shadow. Sim Hargus leaned to look Lambert in the face. "You said I was to consider the two days I give you was up," said he. "You understood it right," Lambert told him. Hargus drew back his fist. Kerr interposed, speaking sharply.

"Let's see this hyar's ther y'ar one thousand and nine hundred.... Thar's some things I disremembers. Maggards ... Maggards?... I don't remember no Maggards.... No, siree! I don't remember none." The cripple turned impatiently away, and Bas Rowlett speculatively inquired: "Does ye reckon mebby he war a-fleein' from some enemy over in Virginny an' thet ther feller followed atter him an' got him?"