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For the rest, she was prettier even than I remembered her to be, and I could fairly see what little sense or composure I had left slide away from me. I looked at her fatuously, and she looked speculatively at a sharp ridge of the divide as if that sketch were the only thing around there that could possibly interest her. "Why do you spend every summer out here in the wilderness?"

"Not if you didn't do it." Kirby looked at him quietly, speculatively, undisturbed by the heaviness of his frown. "But you come to me an' tell the story of what you saw. So you say. Yet all the time you're holdin' back. Why? What's your reason?" "How do you know I'm holdin' back?" the ranchman asked sulkily.

In one of these clearances of the mists a light of an alien type caught the eye of the wandering spectre a light, red, mundane, of prosaic suggestion. It filtered through the crevice of a small batten shutter. The ghost paused, his head speculatively askew.

Kate looked at him speculatively. "Adam," she said, "when I started out, I meant only to take some flowers to Mother and Polly. As I came around the corner of the church to take the footpath, they were singing 'Rejoice in the Lord! I went inside and joined. I'm going to church as often as I can after this, and I'm going to help with the work of running it."

You might try him with one of the headbands. Then, see what he'll do with one on." "Any special reason?" Graham twisted his face uneasily. "I can't describe it," he said almost inaudibly. "You'd have to see for yourself." Bond looked at him speculatively for a moment, then held out his cap and one of the headbands. "Here, hold these."

Wardlaw, his predecessor and colleague, had speculatively little or nothing in common with Elsmere or Murray Edwardes. He was a devoted and Orthodox Comtist, for whom Edwardes had provided an outlet for the philanthropic passion, as he had for many others belonging to far stranger and remoter faiths. By profession, he was a barrister, with a small and struggling practice.

"Shanty boats do not look exactly like house-boats," went on Madge speculatively. "I should say not," returned Phil. "There is considerable difference." "But they might be made to look more like them. Don't you believe so?" Phil nodded. "They are awfully dirty," was dainty Lillian's sole comment. "Soap and water, child, is a sure cure for dirt," replied Madge, still in a brown study.

"I shall be only too glad " she began, but fell silent and, in a silence that seemed almost apprehensive, eyed him speculatively throughout the remainder of the journey.

You'll scarcely need to lift your little finger and they'll come flocking round you. I don't think" looking at her speculatively "that you've any conception what your voice is going to do for you. You see, it isn't just an ordinary good voice it's one of the exceptional voices that are only vouchsafed once or twice in a century." "Still, I think I should like to have a few friends now.

So now Scattergood regarded Ovid speculatively through the window, setting on opposite mental columns Ovid's salary of nine hundred dollars a year and the probable total cost of tailor-made clothes and weekly trips down the line on the "three-o'clock." Scattergood was interested in every man, woman, and child in Coldriver. Their business was his business.