United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

But the public sentiment of refined people is so definitely fixed in favor of quiet dress for public thoroughfares that these "daring" fashions soon become the sole property of the ignorant class. Dress for church, or for business, should be plain in design, and subdued in color; and for most occasions when a lady walks to pay visits or calls, a plain tailor-made costume is most suitable.

Van Teyl is here now and will be glad if you will come in." He replaced the receiver, listened and waited. In a few moments there was the sound of a light footstep outside. The door was opened and Pamela entered. She was still wearing the grey tailor-made costume in which she had left the steamer. "Why, where is Mr. Van Teyl?" she asked, looking around the room.

Clytie came on with the brisk and confident walk that she had cultivated along the pavements of the shopping district, and she was dressed precisely as if about to enter upon one of her frequent excursions in that quarter on some crisp, late-autumn afternoon. She wore a very trig and jaunty tailor-made suit and a stunning little garnet-velvet toque.

Surely this round of social frivolities, the chatter of these silly women and smug tailor-made men, could not be all there was to life. She must have been made for something better than that. And when she was with Clay she knew she had been. He gave her a vision of life through eyes that had known open, wide spaces, clean, wholesome, and sun-kissed.

Louis tailor-made, blue-and-green plaid suit, and an eighteen- carat sulphate-of-copper scarf-pin, with no hope in sight except the two great Texas industries, the cotton fields and grading new railroads. I never picked cotton, and I never cottoned to a pick, so the outlook had ultramarine edges.

But the evidences of occupation which Ned saw were not those showing distant use. There was a tiny fire burning in a crevice which served as a chimney, carrying the smoke far up into the sky before discharging it. Scattered about the fire were tin cans, some empty, some containing food of various kinds. Thrown over a heap of broken boxes in a corner was a coat a tailor-made coat of fine material.

Jane wore a tailor-made coat and skirt of grey tweed, a blue and white cambric shirt, starched linen collar and cuffs, a silk tie, and a soft felt hat with a few black quills in it. She walked with the freedom of movement and swing of limb which indicate great strength and a body well under control.

Barnes walked out beside Miss Thackeray. "The tailor-made gown is an improvement," he said to her. "Does that mean that I look more like a good chambermaid than I did before?" "If you would consider it a compliment, yes," he replied, smiling. He was thinking that she was a very pretty girl, after all. "The frock usually makes the woman," she said slowly, "but not always the lady."

The picture of the tall and brilliant Ethel Wing standing behind the brass rail of the platform of the car was continually recurring to Honora as emblematic: of Ethel, in a blue tailor-made gown trimmed with buff braid, and which fitted her slender figure with military exactness.

“I will,” assented Jack, with a wry face, “and here’s where I have to do some tall but truthful explaining to a man who isn’t in the least likely to believe a word I say. I can guess what Mr. Mayhew is thinking, and is going to keep on thinking!” It was a tailor-made, clean, crisp and new-looking young submarine commander who stepped into the naval cutter alongside.