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Updated: August 25, 2024

As I only know of it by hearsay and the description by Captain Allard in the Spectateur Militaire, I cannot discuss it thoroughly. I only know that the system of towers used at Genoa by the skillful Colonel Andreis appeared to me to be useful, but still susceptible of improvements, which the archduke seems to have added.

Mr. Kemble told Mr. Croker that 'Mrs. Siddons's pathos in the last scene of The Stranger quite overcame him, but he always endeavoured to restrain any impulses which might interfere with his previous study of his part. Croker's Boswell, p. 742. Diderot, writing of the qualifications of a great actor, says: 'Je lui veux beaucoup de jugement; je le veux spectateur froid et tranquille de la nature humaine; qu'il ait par conséquent beaucoup de finesse, mais nulle sensibilité, ou, ce qui est la même chose, l'art de tout imiter, et une égale aptitude

The Spectateur Militaire, in the review of the "Manual of Artillery," by Prince Louis Napoleon, says: "In looking over this book, it is impossible not to be struck with the laborious industry of which it is the fruit. Of this we can get an idea by the list of authors, French, German, and English, which he has consulted. And this list is no vain catalogue.

"Je trouve que c'est une folie de vouloir etudier le monde en simple spectateur. * Dans l'ecole du monde, comme dans cette de l'amour, il faut commencer par pratiquer cc qu'on veut apprendre."* ROUSSEAU. * I find that it is a folly to wish to study the world like a simple spectator. * In the school of the world, as in that of love, it is necessary to begin by practising what we wish to learn.

The author loses himself in the various imbroglios, and the actors degenerate into creatures of romance, lacking consistency. The Reverse Side of Contemporary History has similar defects. It was commenced in the Musee des Familles in 1842, was continued in 1844, and was completed only in 1848 in the Spectateur Republicain.

"Je trouve que c'est une folie de vouloir etudier le monde en simple spectateur. * Dans l'ecole du monde, comme dans cette de l'amour, il faut commencer par pratiquer cc qu'on veut apprendre."* ROUSSEAU. * I find that it is a folly to wish to study the world like a simple spectator. * In the school of the world, as in that of love, it is necessary to begin by practising what we wish to learn.

As a result of these press persecutions, the two Belgian political parties, the clericals and the liberals, poles apart as they were in their principles, drew closer together. All differences of religious and political creed were fused in a common sense of national grievances under what was regarded as a foreign tyranny. This brought about in 1828 the formation of the Union, an association for the co-operation of Belgians of all parties in defence of liberty of worship, liberty of instruction and liberty of the press. The ultra-clericals, who looked to the Vatican for their guidance, and the advanced liberals who professed the principles of the French Revolution were thus by the force of events led on step by step to convert an informal into a formal alliance. The Abbe de Foere in the Spectateur and MM. D'Ellougue and Donker in the Observateur had been for some years advocating united action; and it was their success in winning over to their side the support and powerful pen of Louis de Potter, a young advocate and journalist of Franco-radical sympathies, that the Union, as a party, was actually effected. From this time the onslaughts in the press became more and more violent and embittered, and stirred up a spirit of unrest throughout the country. Petitions began to pour in against the mouture and abbatage taxes and other unpopular measures, especially from the Walloon provinces. These were followed by a National Petition, signed by representatives of every class of the community asking for redress of grievances, but it met with no response from the unyielding king. He had in the early summer of this year, 1828, made a tour in Belgium and had in several towns, especially in Antwerp and Ghent, met with a warm reception, which led him to underestimate the extent and seriousness of the existing discontent. At Liège, a centre of Walloon liberalism, he was annoyed by a number of petitions being presented to him; and, in a moment of irritation, he described the conduct of those who there protested against "pretended grievances" as infamous, "une conduite in-fâme." The words gave deep offence; and the incident called forth a parody of the League of the Beggars in 1566, an Order of Infamy being started with a medal bearing the motto fidèles jusqu'

Yet before this court Abbé de Foere was summoned for having defended in the Spectateur Beige the jugement doctrinal of Bishop de Broglie, and he was sentenced to two years' imprisonment. The penalties remained, but the court consisted of a judge and four assessors, all government nominees.

«Pour donner une idée exacte de ce pays singulier, j'ai cru devoir transporter le spectateur

Six newspapers have been suppressed viz., the Univers, Spectateur, Moniteur, Étoile, Anonyme, and Observateur. The batteries at Montretout continue a vigorous firing. Throughout last night they received only six shells from the Insurgents.

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