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The squaws bending over him stepped back with laughter and clapping of hands. Subienkow saw the monstrous thing that had been perpetrated, and began to laugh hysterically. The Indians looked at him in wonderment that he should laugh. But Subienkow could not stop. This would never do. He controlled himself, the spasmodic twitchings slowly dying away.

Help men to the building of character, which shall enable them to be honest in street and mart, unselfish in home and society, and sympathetic to their fellow pilgrims. Salvation is gained as a house is built, brick by brick, day after day, not by spasmodic efforts one day in the week, and the destruction of that effort in the remaining six.

But she did suppress it, with a power, a resolution, not often paralleled among men still more seldom among women. After the first spasmodic acknowledgment given by her surprise, she listened with comparative calmness. She, alone, had the key to that conversation. She, alone, knew its terrible signification.

'Why, my child, what on earth is the matter with you! said Miss Stanhope, perceiving that Eleanor's hand trembled on her own arm, and finding also that her companion was still half choked with tears. 'Goodness heaven! Something has distressed you. What is it? What can I do for you? Eleanor answered her only by a sort of spasmodic gurgle in her throat.

It was grumbled out in short spasmodic sentences between the slow whiffs of his pipe, as he sat by the fire in a little parlour off the hall, with his indefatigable daughter at work at a table near him. "Stephen Whitelaw had need be a gentleman himself before he could make me a lady," Nelly answered, laughing.

If it be nothing deeper than an attraction of chemical affinities generated by physical activities, it has no reservoir from which to draw its supply. It is like the electrical wire that is "short circuited," it expends itself in one spasmodic combustion. True spirituality is attained by a process of addition. The common and erroneous idea of spiritual attainment involves a process of subtraction.

He felt his pulse spasmodic, terribly rapid. Could it possibly ? ... No: this must be some pernicious malarial fever! The Creole does not easily fall a prey to the great tropical malady, unless after a long absence in other climates. True! he had been four years in the army!

O. Elzbacher in his "Modern Germany," "when other nations are no longer divided against themselves, but have become homogeneous unified nations in fact and nations in organization, and when the most progressive nations have become gigantic institutions for self-improvement and gigantic business concerns on coöperative principles, the spasmodic individual efforts of patriotic and energetic Englishmen and their unorganized individual action prove less efficient for the good of their country than they were formerly."

Once again it thrust its moist muzzle between two rails, gave a preliminary, vibrant mmm mmmmm m, and then, with a spasmodic heaving of ribs and of flank, burst into a long-drawn baww aw aw aw, which rose rapidly in a tremulous crescendo and died to a throaty rumbling. Val started nervously, though her eyes were fixed upon the cow and she knew the sound was coming.

I resorted to all manner of subterfuges to escape the Bengal Academy. Then they tried putting me at St. Xavier's. But the result was no better. My elder brothers, after a few spasmodic efforts, gave up all hopes of me they even ceased to scold me. One day my eldest sister said: "We had all hoped Rabi would grow up to be a man, but he has disappointed us the worst."