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But I wad be sair obleeged to ye gin ye wad jist rin doon to Jeames Johnstone, the weyver, and tell him, wi' my coampliments, ye ken, that I'm verra sorry I spak' till him as I did the nicht; and I wad tak it richt kin' o' him gin he wad come and tak a cup o' tay wi' me the morn's nicht, and we cud hae a crack thegither, and syne we cud hae worship thegither.

The poor Hieland body, Dugald Mahony, cam here a while syne, wi' ane o' his arms cuttit off, and a sair clour in the head ye'll mind Dugald, he carried aye an axe on his shouther and he cam here just begging, as I may say, for something to eat. But he grat when he spak o' the Colonel, ye never saw the like.

"All this while he was casting their money among the poor folk by the handful; and then he spak kaindly to the red mare, and wor over the back of the hill in two zeconds, and best part of two maile away, I reckon, afore ever a gun wor loaded."* * The truth of this story is well established by first-rate tradition.

She spak sair against me when the King's advocate claimed for his Majesty my auld turret o' Gilnockie. I owe that quean an auld score. How lang do you want her lodged in Græme's Tower?" "Three months would maybe change her tongue," replied the Warden; "but the enterprise seems desperate, Will." "Desperate! my Lord," replied the other "that word's no kenned on the Borders.

Horse stapped to drink in the watter, and gentleman spak to 'un kindly, and then they coom raight on to ussen, and the gentleman's face wor so long and so grave, us veared 'a wor gooin' to prache to us. "'Coort o' King's Bench, saith one man; 'Checker and Plays, saith another; 'Spishal Commission, I doubt, saith Bill Blacksmith; 'backed by the Mayor of Taunton.

'O faither! says I, 'ye're no hurt, are ye? He was trying to rise, but before I could reach him indeed, before I had the words weel out o' my mouth the animal made a drive at him! 'O Davy! he cried, and he ne'er spak mair! We generally carried pistols, and I had presence o' mind to draw ane out o' the breast-pocket o' my big coat, and shoot the animal dead on the spot.

"Was it he who received the delightful popinjay, who 'Up and spak' so much to the purpose?" asked Mr. Ogilvie. "Yes, it was Allen. He is the only one you did not see in the morning. Did they do tolerably?" "I only wish I had any boys who did half as well," said Mr. Ogilvie, the lads being gone for more books.

Ther was also a Nonne, a Prioresse, That of her smyling was ful simple and coy; Hir grettest ooth was ne but by sëynt Loy; And she was cleped madame Eglentyne. Ful wel she song the service divyne, Entuned in hir nose ful semely; And Frensh she spak ful faire and fetisly, After the scole of Stratford atte Bowe, For Frensh of Paris was to hir unknowe.

"Is the note no goot, sir?" spak the Heelandman, a second time; but the cratur, instead of answering him, only gi'ed anither of his wise shakes, as much as to say, "I'm no very sure about it." At this Donald lost temper. "If the note doesna please ye, sir," quo' he, "I'll thank ye to gie me it back again, and I'll gang to some ither place."

Weel I ken the word that Willie spak' to me when he closed the letter, 'Jamie, the auld man's gane at last; an' God forgi'e me, I feel too gladsome to greet. Jeanie is willin' to come whenever I ha'e the means to bring her out; an' hout, man, I'm jest thinkin' that she winna ha'e to wait lang.