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As he did so the news editor looked up to remark: "We have plenty of room to spare in the paper to-night, Prescott." "Yes? Well?" "Can't you give us a few paragraphs of real High School news? Something about the state of athletics there?" "Why, yes, of course," the young sophomore nodded.

Abbot said he remembered him, by sight, as a sophomore would know a senior, but had never spoken to him. Anybody hearing all the talk going on at the time we got the news of Seven Pines could have woven quite a college history out of it and somebody has." "Ah, colonel!

We ought to try to make it a greater success than any other dance ever given by a sophomore class. We must call a meeting very soon, not to fight over basketball, but to make arrangements for our dance." Nora's reminder of the coming ball was a stroke of diplomacy on her part. What school girl does not grow enthusiastic over a class dance?

Georgia's attitude of amused tolerance therefore set the tone for the freshmen's behavior. "Don't you see that it's some sophomore joke?" she demanded. "Might as well let the poor creatures get as much fun out of us as they can, and then perhaps they'll give us something good to eat by and by." "We'll give you something right away," squeaked a ghost. "Georgia Ames and Miss Ashton, stand forth.

She was anxiously looking forward to making the sophomore team. "Yes, basket-ball." Judith echoed the sigh. She also hoped to make the team. "We'll have to get busy and invite our freshmen to the dance," she said wagging her brown head. "The freshman class is large this year; about a third larger than last year's class. That means some of the juniors and seniors will have to help out.

Some of the pig iron went into another department, a big teakettle, where it was again roasted, and now it came out a sophomore steel, worth more than pig iron. Some of the sophomore steel went up into another grade where it was roasted yet again and rolled thin into a junior. Some of that went on up and up, at every step getting more pounding and roasting and affliction.

Yet it was always the rule that the new seniors who, during their junior year, had made good records on either the school eleven, or the second eleven, should form the nucleus of the new pigskin squad. Added to these, were the new juniors, formerly of the sophomore class, who had shown the most general promise in athletics during the preceding school year.

"Things never seem half so nice without you, Marj!" Marjorie smiled gratefully; Doris Sands not only said pleasant things, but one knew that she meant them. It was too bad that the class constitution prohibited a girl's re-election as president. The sophomore class could never find anyone else so tactful, so universally popular as Doris, Marjorie thought. "Thanks, Doris," she said.

"We might call the society the 'Arline Thayer Club." "If you dare " began Arline. "Save your breath, my child, I didn't mean that seriously," drawled Elfreda. "However, we had better begin our society here, to-night. There are six of us. Shall we add to our number or let well enough alone?" "I'd like to have Gertrude Wells in it," said Arline. "Shall we make it strictly a sophomore affair?"

"I'd much rather it had been one of you girls." "I'm heartily glad I was out of it all," declared Jane with emphasis. "There's only one thing I really want this year in the way of college honors." "To make the sophomore team?" asked Christine. "Yes." An eager light sprang into Jane's gray eyes. "You'll make it, Jane," predicted Barbara. "You can outplay us all.