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And, furthermore, you should see how they treat me I mean, how they never treat me: never a brush or a wash. They begrudge me grease for my axles. Instead of my good fat quiet horses of other days, little Arab ponies, with the devil in their frames, who fight and bite, caper as they run like so many goats, and break my splatterboard all to smithereens with their lashing out behind.

It lined the sidewalks in the vicinity of the station and stared with curious, half-closed eyes at the portly capitalist and his party, which, by the way, was rendered somewhat imposing in size by augmentation in the shape of lawyers from Paris and London, clerks and stenographers from the Paris office, and four plain clothes men who were to see to it that Midas wasn't blown to smithereens by envious anarchists; to say nothing of a lady's maid, a valet, a private secretary and a doctor.

"Why, Stubbs," said Chester, "with your pull with General Petain, I can't see that you should have any trouble." "My pull, eh?" said Stubbs, with rather a sickly grin. "You two went and smashed my pull all to smithereens." "Oh, well," said Hal, "a newspaper man always finds a way." Stubbs looked at Hal, suspiciously. "If you're making fun of me " he began. "Far from it, Mr. Stubbs," replied Hal.

We carried four boats at the davits, two on each quarter, and those were all that were available, for the others were buried under the raffle and wreckage of the fallen masts, and it would have taken hours to clear them, with the probability that, when got at, they would have been found smashed to smithereens, while a blind man could have told by the feel of the ship that she was settling fast, and might sink under us at any moment.

"That's a poor joke, Sam Palmer," commented Jack, and he ducked just in time to avoid a playful fist Sam shot out. "Want me to play?" asked Fred. "Play? You couldn't play in a hundred years," broke in Nat Anderson, Jack's best chum. "But make a noise like music." "Play yourself, if you're so smart!" retorted Fred. "Simultaneous Smithereens!" cried Nat, using one of his characteristic expressions.

"None of that, ye spalpeen, or I'll smash you to smithereens!" said Tim, who, although his words were of such dire portent, spoke as gently as if he were seeking to quiet an infant. They now noticed that the Indian was very old.

Happy Jack, grown desperate over his tie and purple over Weary's remarks, craned his neck over the shoulder of that gentleman and leered into the mirror. When Happy liked, he could contort his naturally plain features into a diabolical grin which sent prickly waves creeping along the spine of the beholder. Weary looked, stared, half rose from his chair. "Holy smithereens! Quit it, Happy!

"Och, Aileen, darlin', me heart's in smithereens, and I'm that deep in trouble that me head's like to rend an' Jim's all broke up " "What is it; do tell me, Maggie can I help?" she urged, catching up Billy and endeavoring to smother his howls with kisses. Mrs.

But Winton was English to his back-bone, English in his sense of form, and in that curious streak of whole-hearted desperation that will break form to smithereens in one department and leave it untouched in every other of its owner's life.

Poor Owneyna-peak endeavoured as well as he could to hide himself from them, and began to thump his breast and cross himself, but it was all in vain, for one of the cats saw the long nose peeping from under the stone, and in a minute they dragged him, roaring and bawling, into the very middle of the churchyard, where they flew upon him all together, and made smithereens of him, from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet.