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'Ere am I; I seen 'is picture, 'eard 'is name since I was a kid in frocks. Prince Karl Albert! And if any one 'ad tole me I was going to blow 'im to smithereens there! I shouldn't 'ave believed it, Kitty. "That chap at Margit ought to 'ave tole me about it. All 'e tole me was that I got a weak chess. "That other chap, 'e ain't going to do much. Wonder what I ought to do about 'im?"

But you wait and see how you feel when we've had a few meals at the Grand Hotel in Rome!" This culinary bait leaving me cold, he lost his temper, expressed a hope that the Germans would blow my ambulance to smithereens, and assured me that the next time I brought the Huns' papers across the ocean I might extricate myself without his assistance from what might ensue.

One of these posts discovered by the Sûreté Nationale was in an old boarding house run by two ancient spinsters with equally ancient guests who spent their time in rockers, knitting and reading and not dreaming that underneath the porch on which they sat so tranquilly was a fortress with enough explosives to blow the whole street to smithereens.

It was no time to waste any precious moments on ceremony; he must act, and act immediately. There were on either side of the main door long panels of glass. John Berwick made use of the stout stick, his only weapon, which he had picked up from the midst of the copse, and broke the long panel glass into smithereens.

I managed to wrench it open, and within lay half a dozen little grey bricks, each a couple of inches square. I took up one, and found that it crumbled easily in my hand. Then I smelt it and put my tongue to it. After that I sat down to think. I hadn't been a mining engineer for nothing, and I knew lentonite when I saw it. With one of these bricks I could blow the house to smithereens.

"Ha, ha, ha!" roared the giant till the crystal chandelier tinkled like a million little bells and the portrait of his mother-in-law fell off the wall with a dreadful crash, "I never heard anything so funny before," and he picked up the portrait and laughed again, only this time even louder, for his mother-in-law's picture was all smashed to smithereens!

On which his Majesty the King of the Irish, convoking his Parliament at the Corn Exchange Palace, Dublin, made a speech, in which he called Louis Philippe an "old miscreant," and paid the highest compliments to his son and his troops. Having shot the Right Reverend Bishop through the body, Smithereens apologized.

The fine six-horse teams began turning round with the caissons, charges were being rammed home, and the guns pointed toward the dense ranks of the enemy, when, from right in front, a dense puff of smoke, a tearing of shot and shell through the trees, a roar from half a dozen cannon, hitherto unseen, and our brave battery was knocked into smithereens.

Many's the time I've been close enough to fire at the eyeball of a Husshon, an' run the resk o' bein' blown to smithereens! calm and cool I alters was, too! Scarlit fever is an easy death from a warrior's p'int o' view!" "Speakin' of easy death," continued Timothy, "you know I'm a great one for words, bein' something of a scholard in my small way.

The Insurrection is over, and it is worth asking what has happened, how it has happened, and why it happened? The first question is easily answered. The finest part of our city has been blown to smithereens, and burned into ashes.