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Updated: August 28, 2024

"Think I did that on purpose?" he cried in vast good nature. "That I was spying on you? That I waited until you started to climb up here and that then I popped my head up just at the same time? All on purpose?" "That's just exactly what I do think!" Terry told him hotly. "You you big smarty! Everywhere I go, have you got to keep showing up?" "I'll tell you something," said Steve.

Arty and Tom were carrying on the following brilliant but cryptic society-dialogue: Mrs. Arty: Well, I don't know. Tom: Not failure, but low bid is crime, little one. Mrs. Arty: Mary, shall I make Tom: Hey! No talking 'cross table! Mrs. Arty: Um let me see. Tom: Bid up, bid up! Bid a little seven on hearts? Mrs. Arty: Just for that I will bid seven on hearts, smarty!

At the Culpepper gate she stood waiting fully a minute for him to catch her, and when he came up to her, she laughed, "Huh, Mr. Smarty, you didn't, did you?" and ran up the walk, scooted into the house, and slammed the door. But he understood and went leaping down the hill toward home with happiness tingling in his very finger-tips.

Charleton Falkner and some of his pals will be smarty, but the young fry will sure try to break up every meeting you have." "The modern youngster is pretty rough!" sighed the preacher. "Here in Lost Chief," agreed Grandma promptly, "they are the most rough-and-tumble, catch-as-catch-can batch of young coyotes that ever lived. They don't respect God, man, nor the devil. And why should they?

"I've been trying for about an hour," he added, grinning a little at his own plight. "Well, it's a lucky thing for you he won't let you," Billy Louise informed him sternly, stooping to crawl under the bottom wire. "You've got about as much sense as " She did not say what. "Give me that rope, and you take yourself and your crutches out of the corral, Mr. Smarty.

This is the root of a plant something like the cat-tail in looks that is, it has the same kind of long, narrow ribbon-like leaves. But while the root of the sweet-flag is pleasant to gnaw, though a trifle smarty, the root of the cat-tail is of no use that is, as far as Sue could tell.

Miss Cotton spread her cold hands over the stove, and surveyed the four girls sharply. "My, but you're pretendin' to be awful busy! An' Maggie sewin', too, as I'm alive! The poor old man's got brownkaties, she says." Sarah covered her face with her French Grammar and giggled. "Oh yes, smarty!

Lyman Hickenlooper, if you'll take notice, I says, 'you'll see those words was composed by the angel Moroni over two thousand years ago and revealed to Joseph Smith in the sacred light of the Urim and Thummim, I says, and the plague-oned smarty snickered right in my face and say, now, what did you and your second git a separation for?"

But this particular Miss Hamilton understood Coonie's dark ways and knew how to deal with him. She darted across the road and caught old Bella by the head. "Hold on now, smarty!" she said. "You needn't pretend you've turned deaf and blind all at once, you're stupid enough without. Here's a parcel for Aunt Mary McLean, Coonie, and mother wants you to take it to her, please, like an old duck.

They might git his little feelin's hurted, an' 't wouldn't do no good, though some few has been made to his face by one or two smarty, ill-raised boys. Well, sir, we give 'em a fine party, ef I do say it myself, an' they all had a good time. Wife she whipped up eggs an' sugar for a week befo'hand, an' we set the table out under the mulberries.

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