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It is a thing of striking significance that old, wise poets have on occasion written of hell so vividly that we hear the fire crackle and see the bodies of the lost sizzling; but not one of them, burning the candle of genius at both ends, has ever been able to line out a heaven that a man would live in if he were given the key to it.

As we came back to the house at six, the kitchen was always cheery with the smell of browning flapjacks, sizzling sausages and steaming coffee, and mother had plenty of hot water on the stove so that in "half a jiffy," with shining faces and sleek hair we sat down to a noble feast.

The table was set she couldn't help wondering where he had found the kitchen knives and forks the bacon was sizzling, the tin of biscuits open, and the coffee bubbling and gurgling in its glass retort. She sat down and began to eat in silence, but as she did so, she studied him furtively.

"Nothing startling about that either," commented Helen, who admitted she was fairly "sizzling" for a mystery. "Maybe Bentley wrote those signs," said Julia. "Bentley!" exclaimed Grace. "That big boy wrote 'Take me to mama'! Julia, Julia, Julia! Are you as far gone as that?" "He could write them for fun, couldn't he?" fired back the much tantalized girl.

Good cloudy weather would have saved us, but in its stead was a sultry morning without a breath of air, which bespoke another day of sizzling heat. We had not been on the trail over two hours before the heat became almost unbearable to man and beast.

As a young man, working in Wienn, he had seen a good many artists who were old and poor, making one glass of beer last all evening, andit was not very nice, that.” When the boys came in from milking and feeding, the long table was laid, and two brown geese, stuffed with apples, were put down sizzling before Ántonia.

Tom soon had water boiling on the gasolene stove, for he had rescued a tea-kettle and a coffee pot from the wreck of the kitchen of the airship. Shortly afterward, the aroma of coffee filled the air, and a little later there was mingled with it the appetizing odor of sizzling bacon and eggs, for Mr.

This puzzled me for at this depth the temperature should have been above that on the surface of the earth. After a hundred metres or so of going I came into a larger chamber. It was intensely cold. From out another branching passage-way I could hear a sizzling sound as of steam escaping.

"We simply got jollying a bit in the first place about the amount of perfectly senseless, no-account truck that'll collect in a fellow's pockets; and then some sort of a scorched piece of paper he had, or something, got him telling me about a nasty, sizzling close call he had to-day with a live wire; and then I got telling him here about a friend of mine and a mighty good fellow, too who dropped dead on the street one day last summer with an unaddressed, typewritten letter in his pocket that began 'Dearest Little Rosie, called her a 'Honey' and a 'Dolly Girl' and a 'Pink-Fingered Precious, made a rather foolish dinner appointment for Thursday in New Haven, and was signed in the Lord's own time at the end of four pages, 'Yours forever, and then some.

"How fortunate to have such a handy thing as an atmosphere around us," cried the Frenchman; "it not only enables us to breathe, but it actually keeps us from sizzling up like griskins." "Yes," said the Captain, "but unfortunately we can't say so much for the Moon." "Oh pshaw!" cried Ardan, always full of confidence. "It's all right there too! The Moon is either inhabited or she is not.