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I'll get right in," which he did, after cranking up the car for her, for not always could she stop it leaving a charge in one cylinder, so that it would start from the seat. "I'm very glad you got the place," went on Cora as she steered out from among a tangle of other autos and carriages about the station. "So am I. It means a great deal to me." "And Sid was so disappointed.

Honora coloured a little, and said "yes." He confided to her, with an astonishing degree of feeling, that it had been the regret of his life he had not had more children. Nobody, he implied, who came to his house had ever exhibited the proper interest in Sid. "Sometimes," he said, leaning towards her confidentially, "I slip upstairs for a little peep at him after dinner."

Her aunt explained that Louise had gone out of town with her mother for a three-day Christmas visit. "She'll be back, the day after tomorrow," she consoled him. So he left the presents in her charge with instructions to give them to his lady on the very moment of her arrival, and scampered down the carpeted stairway again. Sid DuPree met him in front of his house. John surveyed him warily. "'Lo!"

Confound it! sometimes she sews it with white, and sometimes she sews it with black. I wish to geeminy she'd stick to one or t'other I can't keep the run of 'em. But I bet you I'll lam Sid for that. I'll learn him!" He was not the Model Boy of the village. He knew the model boy very well though and loathed him. Within two minutes, or even less, he had forgotten all his troubles.

"I should think Sid Hahn would know by this time," she observed sniffily, as her expert fingers shook out the silken folds and smoothed the fabulous fur, "that auburn hair and a gurgle and a Lucille dress don't make a play. Besides, Fritzi Kirke wears the biggest shoe of any actress I ever saw.

"Why, child," Sid Hahn said soothingly, "that dress has probably fallen into dust by this time." "Dust! What do you mean? How old do you think I am? That you should say that to me! I've made millions for you, and now " "Now, now, Sally, be a good girl. That's all rot about that dress being lucky. You've grown out of this part; that's all. We'll find another play " "I want that dress."

"And little Sid, for simile renown'd, Pleasure has always sought, but never found Though all his thoughts on wine and women fall, His are so bad, sure he ne'er thinks at all. The flesh he lives upon is rank and strong; His meat and mistresses are kept too long.

Harper gave a sobbing good-night and turned to go. Then with a mutual impulse the two bereaved women flung themselves into each other's arms and had a good, consoling cry, and then parted. Aunt Polly was tender far beyond her wont, in her good-night to Sid and Mary. Sid snuffled a bit and Mary went off crying with all her heart.

Again John repeated his latest composition. He was beginning to enjoy himself immensely. At the third repetition of the adventures of Sid, a window creaked noisily up. "John Fletcher," came the harsh voice from the upper window. "You're a nasty little boy, and if you don't leave Sidney alone, I'll telephone your mother." "Ya-a-a-ah," jeered Sid in an undertone. John looked and longed.

Inside, Silvey's glance took in the prostrate figures of Sid, Red Brown, and Perry Alford, who were packed so closely together in the enclosure that they could scarcely move, then roamed listlessly past John with his insignia of office, out to the sunlit fence and railroad tracks. Red yawned wearily. "Hurry up and do something, Sil." "Where's Skinny?" asked the president. "Down town with Mrs.