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With a dozen exceptions the rugs are modern and of poor quality"; or, "The Boston Shop's special sale of rain coats are mostly damaged goods. Accept none without guarantee." Never before had mercantile Worthington known anything like this. Something not unlike panic was created in commercial circles.

It said: "Potatoes for Sale. Just Received." "That's what we want, Charley," he spoke; and for the place they made. The potatoes were in open sacks, just inside the door and that was the shop's whole stock of goods. "How much are your potatoes, my man?" asked Mr. Adams. "They look pretty good." "One dollar and a half. Yes, sir; they are good ones; came in only this morning."

"Among the rest, an American letter. From the tramp, of course. Jove, but here's a change! No brown paper envelope this time, filched from a shop, and carrying the shop's advertisement in the corner.

The passage and the shop were dark behind the closed shutters, but the figure by the girl's side was taller than Bauer's. "Who's there?" cried Mother Holf sharply. "The shop's shut to-day: you can't come in." "But I am in," came the answer, and Rudolf stepped towards her. The girl followed a pace behind, her hands clasped and her eyes alight with excitement.

'Ay! and t' shop's doin' a vast o' business, I've heard say. He's a deal better company, too, 'n or he used to be. He'd a way o' preaching wi' him as a couldn't abide; but now he tak's his glass, an' holds his tongue, leavin' room for wiser men to say their say. Such was a conjugal colloquy about this time.

He had a big sign along the road, and his shop's in the barn, behind the house." "I'll have to check up on him. But first, I want to see if any of this stuff's at Rivers's shop. I won't ask you to come along," he told Gresham. "No use you sticking your head into the lion's mouth. I've talked the State Police temporarily off your trail, but I still have Farnsworth to worry about."

They ate informally, without a tablecloth. Near the stove at the back the undertaker's helpers were finishing their lunch. "Mon Dieu!" exclaimed Monsieur Madinier, "we each have our time. The old folks make room for the young ones. Your lodging will seem very empty to you now when you go home." "Oh! my brother is going to give notice," said Madame Lorilleux quickly. "That shop's ruined."

Fear is the offspring of a reliance placed on something outside on a foreman's good-will, perhaps, on a shop's prosperity, on a market's steadiness. That is just another way of saying that fear is the portion of the man who acknowledges his career to be in the keeping of earthly circumstances. Fear is the result of the body assuming ascendancy over the soul.

"Perhaps you can change this?" she said, holding out the note. "The shop's shut now, miss," said Laura, gazing with round eyes at the mighty sum. "Well then take it, and bring me the change in the morning." Emma took it with trembling fingers she had not in her life touched so much money and ran out into the darkness to where her John was waiting. Symford never saw either of them again.

Well, that helps me to think the case ain't so hopeless as it looks. You're all I got to meet this blow with, but maybe you ain't as poor material as I thought. Your tellin' me about comin' within seven strips of the shop's record to-day looks to me like encouragin' information brought in at just about the right time. Now, then, I'm goin' to give you a raise.