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On this occasion many of the western patriots experienced their first essay in arms, and learned something of the toils and dangers of the soldier's life. During the war several expeditions were sent from the border counties of North Carolina to assist in pulling down the Tory ascendancy of the disaffected portion of upper South Carolina. In one of these expeditions Col.

WITHIN a fortnight of the mock monk's audience of the Tsar he found himself installed in a fine suite of rooms in the Palace at Tsarskoe-Selo, one apartment being assigned to myself as his secretary. Rasputin's ascendancy over the Imperial couple became daily more marked. I was the onlooker of a very curious and clever game.

Hitherto the rule of Tiberius had been, on the whole, prosperous. But the ninth year marks the establishment of the ascendancy of Ælius Sejanus over the mind of the emperor, whereby his sway was transformed into a foul tyranny. Not of noble birth, Sejanus had neglected no means, however base, to secure his own favour with Tiberius and with the Prætorian Guard, of which he held the command.

The ascendancy was so complete, and held him in such enthralment, that, hardly daring to think at all, but with his mind filled with a constantly dilating impression of his patron's irresistible command over him, and power of doing anything with him, he would stand watching his pleasure, and trying to anticipate his orders, in a state of mental suspension, as to all other things.

Establishment Of The Commonwealth Punishment Of The Royalists Mutiny And Suppression Of The Levellers Charles Ii Proclaimed In Scotland Ascendancy Of His Adherents In Ireland Their Defeat At Rathmines Success Of Cromwell In Ireland Defeat Of Montrose, And Landing Of Charles In Scotland-Cromwell Is Sent Against Him He Gains A Victory At Dunbar The King Marches Into England Loses The Battle Of Worcester His Subsequent Adventures And Escape.

The harm He suffereth at the hands of the oppressor can never grieve His heart, nor can He be saddened by the ascendancy of such as have repudiated His truth. Say: Tribulation is a horizon unto My Revelation. The day star of grace shineth above it, and sheddeth a light which neither the clouds of men’s idle fancy nor the vain imaginations of the aggressor can obscure.

Hodder liked and admired her, but somehow she gave him the impression of having attained her ascendancy at a price, an ascendancy which had apparently been gained by impressing upon her environment a new note literary, aesthetic, cosmopolitan.

Conversation with him was not merely instructive, but provocative to the dormant intelligence. When to this we add a strenuous character, earnest convictions, and single-minded devotion to truth, with an utter disdain of mere paradox it may be conceived that such a man exercised powerful intellectual ascendancy over younger minds.

To prepare for co-operating with this force, should it arrive; or, in any event, to make an effort to give the ascendancy in North Carolina to the royal cause, he sent several commissions to the leaders of the highlanders, for raising and commanding regiments; and granted one to a Mr. M'Donald, their chief, to act as their general.

This great statesman, who guided the helm of Europe, while in France he repressed the rage of faction and the insolence of the nobles, pursued steadily, amidst the cares of a stormy administration, his plan of lowering the ascendancy of the House of Austria.