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Glancing back, uneasily, I saw her raise an umbrella and set out upon her cheerless promenade directly in our wake, and I made a desperate essay at redressing the wrong. "It is a pity Mrs. C must go out this afternoon," I said, shiveringly. "She will have a damp walk." "Yes," assented my companion, readily. "That is the worst of being in this vicinity.

As well put any noxious concoction of drugs on the market and call it a specific against obesity or gravel or deafness as Sypher's Cure. Between the heaven-sent panacea which was to cleanse the skin of the nations and send his name ringing down the centuries as the Friend of Humanity and the shiveringly vulgar Jebusa Jones's Cuticle Remedy there was not an atom of important difference.

In memory she saw herself crawl shiveringly from her bed, in the cold gray of a Winter daybreak, clad only in a plain nightgown, to build a blaze in the big stone fireplace so that the room might be warm for Big Jerry when he awoke. The smile faded from her lips, and they trembled slightly as she whispered his name.

When the third day dawned bleakly, literally blown piecemeal from out darkness as bleak, the Happy Family rose shiveringly and with sombre disapproval of whatever met their blood-shot eyes; dressed hurriedly in the chill of flapping tent and went out to stagger drunkenly over to where Patsy, in the mess-tent, was trying vainly to keep the biscuits from becoming dust-sprinkled, and sundry pans and tins from taking jingling little excursions on their own account.

I thrust the honest face av yeh I have tuk tu ye since th' handy lad ye showt yersilf with that team mix-up th' morn." Redmond, mollified, grinned shiveringly. "I don't mind a snort, Sergeant," he said, "it's d d cold out here. Beer's more in my line though. Salue!" He took a swallow or two; the bottle changed hands. "Eyah!" remarked Slavin sometime later cuddling the bottle at the "port arms."

Helen did not notice the change in him. She clasped her hands together and her voice trembled. "Oh, I was afraid I should be too late! When I came in from the field Aunt Hannah said you had not come back and I knew it was tide time and I felt somehow that it had caught you in the cave. I ran down over the marsh and took Joe Simmon's dory. If I had not got here in time " She broke off shiveringly.

"No, I have not seen him. Where has he gone?" "To New York." The long walk and sultry atmosphere had unwontedly flushed the girl's face, and the damp hair clung in glossy rings to her brow; but, as Miss Jane spoke, the blood ebbed from cheeks and lips, and sweeping back the dark tresses that seemed to oppress her, she asked, shiveringly, "Is Dr. Grey going back to sea?" "Oh no, child!

Providence has, doubtless, deliberately omitted portions so that we may assist in our own creation. 31st October 1894. The first of the north winds has begun to blow to-day, shiveringly. It looks as if there had been a visitation of the tax-gatherer in the Amlaki groves, everything beside itself, sighing, trembling, withering.

And, any how, I see no use in letting him come right down as a dead expense upon our hands. He hasn't earned his salt yet, much less a winter suit of clothes." But the poor little fellow was no more used to bearing exposure to the chilling winds of winter than she had been when a child. He therefore shrunk shiveringly in the penetrating air whenever forced to go beyond the door.

'The moment, said he, and his voice ran shiveringly through my heart like a dagger, 'the moment Morton Devereux discovers who is his rival, that moment his death-warrant is irrevocably sealed!" "Arrogant boaster!" I cried, and my blood burned with the intense rage which a much slighter cause would have kindled from the natural fierceness of my temper.