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At another post-house we met with a woman calling herself a servante, to whom we took not only an aversion, but a horror; Charlotte said that she should be afraid, not of that woman's cutting her throat, but that she would take a mallet and strike her head flat at one blow. Do you remember the woman in Caleb Williams, when he wakens and sees her standing over him with an uplifted hatchet?

Carleton deserted me and the sport in a most unceremonious manner, and that he, the cynical philosopher, the reserved English gentleman, the gay man of the world, you are all of 'em by turns, aren't you, Carleton? he! has gone and made a very cavaliero servante of himself to a piece of rusticity, and spent all to-day in helping a little girl pick up chestnuts!" "Mr.

"Madam," answered the shrewd milliner, "you have taught me an excellent lesson, and I will profit by it. Monsieur et madame, je suis votre servante." This feminine controversy greatly amused me. Those who do not believe that a woman can make a man happy through the twenty-four hours of the day have never possessed a woman like Henriette.

Straightwaie closynge mine eyen to gette a cleare vision of ye same, I am minded of deare friendes whose feete have kept time with mine along ye shaded wayes. Here, before me on my table, hathe my servante placed freshe flowres from countrie hedgerowe and garden, to sweeten the close aire that cometh in from ye swelterynge streetes.

Un enfant qui depuis a été représentant de Manchester au Parlement avait dans sa famille une servante qu'il jugeait être fort vieille. Il eût voulu savoir son âge, mais il n'osait le lui demander, sachant que c'est l

I found her still handsome, though somewhat matronly in appearance, seated, with her daughters, in the box of a fashionable nobleman, younger than herself, rich in purse but poor in intellect, and who was openly and notoriously her cavalier servante. The charm was broken, the picture fell from the wall.

Our servante might have stood for this picture. Bruges is a very old, desolate-looking town, which seems to have felt in common with its fellow-towns the effects of the Revolution.

Mon pere voyait qu'il ne pouvait ebranler sa resolution, fit ce qu'elle lui demanda, pourvoyant tant que possible aux besoins de la route, et c'est le coeur gros de sinistres presages que mes parents virent partir leur bonne et fidele servante. Quand je lui dis: "Tu ne nous aimes donc plus, puisque tu pars?" elle m'embrassa en pleurant, et dit, "Je reviendrai!"

"Madam," answered the shrewd milliner, "you have taught me an excellent lesson, and I will profit by it. Monsieur et madame, je suis votre servante." This feminine controversy greatly amused me. Those who do not believe that a woman can make a man happy through the twenty-four hours of the day have never possessed a woman like Henriette.

I was not admitted to these reunions for a week or ten days, by which time I had made myself generally popular. The duke did not care for company and supped apart. The Prince of Santa Croce was the duchess's 'cavaliere servante', and the princess was served by Cardinal Bernis.