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He was the first officer to fall, and was buried by the Bishop of Pretoria in the Battalion cemetery in the wood on the east side of the Messines road, about 200 yards short of Hyde Park Corner. The actual routine of life in the trenches was pleasant enough. The men knew exactly where they were. There was a time to eat, a time to sleep, a time for fatigues, and a time for sentry-go.

"No; but I am tired of the sentry-go part of it ten steps and a turn," she confessed. "Can't we walk on the track a little way?" Calvert saw no reason why they might not, and accordingly helped her over to the snow-encrusted path between the rails. "We can trot down and have a look at their construction camp, if you like," he suggested, and thitherward they went.

Keep your face and tongue under control; I'll try a dodge that seldom fails." They re-entered the house. Jim was doing sentry-go in the hall. The prisoners were sitting mute, save that Mick the Wolf uttered an occasional growl of pain; his wounded arm was hurting him sorely.

"Because I've got to do what my captain wants," returned Lathrop, "and he put me on sentry-go, in front of this house." With the back of his hand, the sergeant fretfully scraped the three days' growth on his chin. "There's nothing to it," he exclaimed, "but for to take him with us. When we meet some more Reds we'll turn him over. Fall in!" he commanded. "No!" protested Lathrop.

Li Choo, blinking, opaque, immobile, save for his piercing and mysterious eyes, had no explanation to give. All he said was, "Me no see all sides house same time"; so suggesting that, as the room had windows on all three sides, Louise must have escaped while he made his supposed sentry-go, slip-slopping round the house.

He recited with shamefaced rapidity: "It is my sentry-go to-night, And when I watch the moon so bright, Shining o'er South Africa plain, I'll think of thee, sweet Greta Du Taine." Her eyes were full of awe and wonder. "Lor! you don't mean to say you made up that by yourself?" The poet nodded. "Reckon about as much. Like it?" "It's perfect lovely! Better than they 'ave in the penny books."

Therefore, men work doggedly, carelessly, and in the background of consciousness there is always that comforting belief, common to all soldiers, that "others may be killed, but somehow, I shall escape." The most important in-trench duty, as well as the most wearisome one for the men, is their period on "sentry-go."

"Ain't so bad, though, as old Joe made it out when he was doing his sentry-go below there, close to the water. My word, how clear it is to-night! I should just like to have a regular old-fashioned sentry-box down there, close to the landing-place, with a good, strong door to it as one could fasten tight, and loopholes in the sides, and plenty of cartridges ready for a night's shooting.

The minutes passed slowly, and to keep themselves from freezing the two men were forced to do sentry-go on the somewhat narrow platform where they stood, occasionally varying the line of their short march by turning down the trail towards their camp, a variation which for perhaps a couple of minutes hid the lake from view.

The great point is that neither of us should be seen from the time we turn in. A couple of ship's boys do sentry-go on these decks, and they shall be our witnesses; by Jove, it'll be the biggest mystery that ever was made!" "If von Heumann doesn't resist." "Resist! He won't get the chance.