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I gave you, at times, the whole length and breadth, and size, and capacity of the Sachigo of to-day. You got all that stuff. But I've saved up the plum. There's a new man come into it. His name's Sternford Bull Sternford. Guess it's him I need to tell you about before I pass on to the other. It's taken me a while to locate all I needed. And I guess I had luck or I wouldn't have got it all yet."

"You couldn't offer the Board a more welcome proposition than the purchase of Sachigo just now. We're changing our forest organisation right now, and that means temporary delays and drop in output. Sachigo's our worry while we're doing it. But with your permission I won't send a man up there. I think," he added deliberately, "I'd like to send a woman." Hellbeam's face was a study.

Their darn mud-scow mostly runs here, to Sachigo, and there ain't a thing along the way to interest Idepski but Sachigo. We'll be getting word from Charlie Nisson in some hurry." "Yes, we'll get it in a hurry." Standing nodded. He was transparently perturbed. Bat watched him closely. Then, in a moment, his mind was made up.

"Our organisation has been working steadily to undermine the Sachigo people for months past. That has always been part of our policy. I'd say the whole thing's going to fit very well. You say, if necessary, you'll find half a million dollars for the business. We shan't need a tithe of that. However, it's well to know it. And none of it needs to worry our directors.

Bull drew a sharp breath. Strong, forceful as he was the figure was overwhelming. "This all this you're saying offering? It's all real, true?" Bull demanded at last. "All of it." "You want me to go and take possession of Sachigo, and ten Say, where's the catch?" "There's no 'catch' anywhere." The denial was cold. It was almost in the tone of affronted dignity.

I wanted to win out in the fight against the Skandinavia because I'm a bit of a fighting machine. I wanted to win out for the dollars I'm going to help myself to. But I also wanted to win out because of the great big purpose that lies behind these mills of Sachigo.

I wirelessed back, 'I'd just love to death meeting him. By the same mail came Father Adam's yarn. An' I guess that's where the soup thickens. He says some woman's coming along from the Skandinavia folk. He guesses they're going to put up some proposition that looks like butting in on the plans laid out for Sachigo. But that don't seem to worry him a thing.

Nancy's pretty eyes were mildly searching. "You're the head of Sachigo," she suggested. Bull's eyes lit. "Sure," he cried, "an' I'm mighty proud that's so. But I'm not the genius of this great mill. No. That grizzled, tough old lumberman who toted you along up from the quayside is the brain of this organisation. He's a wonder. There's times I want to laff when I think of it.

Beyond the ridge lay the waters of the cove. And to the left the broad waters of the river mouth flowed by. It was a desolate, damp spot, but its significance to the two men studying it was profound. Skert Lawton, the chief engineer of Sachigo, tall, loose-limbed, raw-boned, watched his superior with somewhat mournful, unsmiling eyes.

And you and me, together, we'll just send this great Sachigo of ours booming sky high, and in a year I promise to hand you the wreckage that was once the Skandinavia. Marry me, dear, and I'll show you the thing a man can be and do. And I'll make you forget the ruffian I've had to act towards you. Will you let me help you to forget? Will you ?"