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Updated: August 1, 2024

"Leave me!" she exclaimed imperiously. "Your being here does me injury. If you have any manhood in you, leave me!" He strove to clutch the folds of her robe, and in frenzied tones cried out: "O Rosabella, don't drive me from you! I can't live without " A voice like a pistol-shot broke in upon his sentence: "Villain! Deceiver! What are you doing here? Out of the house this instant!"

When her uncle desired Flodoardo to conduct her to the dancers, a soft blush overspread her cheek, and she doubted whether she should accept or decline the hand which was immediately offered. And to tell you my real opinion, my fair ladies, I suspect that very few of you would have been more collected than Rosabella, had you found yourselves similarly situated.

Very reverently the orphans opened the box which contained the posthumous gifts of their beloved father. The baskets were manufactured with exquisite taste. They were lined with quilled apple-green satin. Around the outside of one was the name of Rosabella embroidered in flowers, and an embroidered garland of roses formed the handle.

Rosabella caught the Doge's hand, as he turned to leave her, kissed it twice, and said, "If you have no mercy on HIM, then have none on ME. The sentence which you pass on Abellino will be mine; 'tis for my own life that I plead as well as Abellino's. Father, dear father, reject not my suit, but spare him." Abellino dies. Abellino.

Floracita was still in the full career of fun, when footsteps were heard approaching; and, as usual, she bounded forth to welcome her father. Several men, bearing a palanquin on their shoulders, were slowly ascending the piazza. She gave one glance at their burden, and uttered a shrill scream. Rosabella hastened to her in great alarm.

The other bore the name of Floracita in minute flowers, and the handle was formed of Pensées vivaces. They turned them round slowly, unable to distinguish the colors through their swimming tears. "How like Papasito, to be so kind to the poor woman, and so thoughtful to please us," said Rosabella. "But he was always so."

With these words he turned away from the company, advanced towards the folding-doors. He paused for a few moments, and concealed his face in his cloak. "Abellino!" cried he at length, raising his head, and extending his arm towards the door. At that name all who heard it shuddered involuntarily, and Rosabella advanced unconsciously a few steps towards her lover.

"Have I forgotten my promise, my resolution? Fly, Rosabella, fly, or this hour makes you faithless to yourself and duty." She tore the flower to pieces, and threw it contemptuously on the ground. "I understand you, Flodoardo," said she; "and having understood you, will never suffer this subject to be renewed. Here let us part, and let me not again be offended by a similar presumption. Farewell!"

For some time Rosabella was unusually gay; she sang to her harp the most lively airs, and jested with Camilla for looking so serious and so uneasy; but when mid-day approached, her spirits began to forsake her. She quitted her instrument, and paced the chamber with unsteady steps.

And as for you, signora, look to yourself! look to yourself, I say! Rosabella. Nay, prithee, Lomellino, bring your hero hither without delay; you have raised my curiosity to the height. Lomellino quitted the saloon. Andreas. How comes it that you rejoin not the dancers, my child? Rosabella.

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