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"You meet a dullish dog, Baron a sobered reveller." "Ach, no! Not surely? Do not disappoint me, dear Bonker!" The Baron's plaintive note seemed to amuse his friend. "You don't mean to say you actually wish a boon companion? You, Baron, the modern Talleyrand, the repository of three emperors' secrets? My dear fellow, I nearly came in deep mourning." "Mourning! For vat?"

Though he was a man of many friends, and was the repository of many familiar confidences, there was probably no human being not even the wife of his bosom who ever possessed John Rolph's entire confidence. There was about him no such thing as self-abandonment.

"I will show you over the house and the offices," said Maitre Voigt, "but I must put away these papers first. They come from the municipal authorities, and they must be taken special care of." Obenreizer saw his chance, here, of finding out the repository in which his employer's private papers were kept. "Can't I save you the trouble, sir?" he asked.

Why the dying sailor chose to make Miss Browne the repository of his secret, I don't know this still remains for me the unsolved mystery. But when the sailor closed his eyes the secret and the map of course there was a map had become Miss Higglesby-Browne's.

In this repository of wonders, this glorious campidoglio, one is first shewn as the most valuable curiosity, the two pigeons mentioned by Pliny in old mosaic; and of prodigious nicety is the workmanship, though done at such a distant period: and here is the very wolf which bears the very mark of the lightning mentioned by Cicero: and here is the beautiful Antinous again; he meets one at every turn, I think, and always hangs his head as if ashamed: here too is the dying gladiator; wonderfully fine! savage valour! mean extraction! horrible anguish! all marking, all strongly characteristical expressions all there; yet all swallowed up, in that which does inevitably and certainly swallow up all things approaching death.

37 O First Letter of this Temple, betokening the Essence of Divinity! We have made thee the treasury of My Will and the repository of My Purpose unto all who are in the kingdoms of revelation and creation. This is but a token of the grace of Him Who is the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting. 38 O Second Letter of this Temple, betokening My name, the Almighty!

He treated Iskender with a kind of worship as the repository of that precious secret, showed great care for his health, and was in all things his loyal helper. But the young man did not trust him. He kept the details of the expedition to himself as organiser; and, though Elias pestered him with questions concerning the whereabouts of that desirable valley, he would reveal nothing.

Near this old Town I observed large Canoes of the neetest kind on the ground Some of which appeared nearly decayed others quit Sound, I examoned those Canoes and found they were the repository of the dead- This Custom of Secureing the Dead differs a little from the Chinnooks. the Kil a mox Secure the dead bodies in an oblong box of Plank, which is placed in an open Canoe resting on the ground, in which is put a paddle and Sundery other articles the property of the disceased.

In carrying on the undertaking, Messrs CHAMBERS will be assisted by skilled writers in various departments; and as the whole of the Tracts will be under their own editorial supervision, they can with confidence offer the REPOSITORY as a fitting companion to the family circle. Each of the Tracts will embrace a single subject, varied to suit different ages and tastes.

Nothing in natural history appears more worthy the consideration of the learned world, than does this repository of petrefactions, so uncommon that scarcely any thing except the testimony of one's own eyes could convince one that flying fish, natives, and intending to remain inhabitants, of the Pacific Ocean, are daily dug out of the bowels of Monte Bolca near Verona, where they must doubtless have been driven by the deluge, as no less than omnipotent power and general concussion could have sufficed to seize and fix them for centuries in the hollow cavities of a rock at least seventy-two miles from the nearest sea.