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Updated: August 6, 2024

The trappers quickly recurred to their present circumstances, which were, in truth, of a nature calculated to fill them with anxiety, and cause them to bend the powers of their quick wits and iron energies to the simple consideration of how they were to subsist and how proceed on their journey. "First of all," said Redhand quickly, "we must try what we can recover of our odds and ends."

Bricks and mortar and stone 'll change its face an' cornfields, an' but not in our day, lad, not in our day. The redskins and the bears 'll hold it as long as we're above ground. Yes, I'd like to settle down there." "Come, come, Redhand," said Bounce, "this sort o' thing 'll never do. Why, you're as hale and hearty as the best on us.

Immediately above that there was a rapid of considerable length and strength, which boiled furiously among the rocks, and seemed to be impassable to a canoe. After close inspection of it, however, Redhand and Bounce, who were tacitly recognised as joint leaders of the party, agreed that the canoe could easily enough be hauled up by means of a line.

"I've know'd white men," interrupted Redhand, "who called themselves Christians, and didn't object to take scalps when they got the chance." "So have I," returned Bounce, "an' more's the pity. It's sichlike blackguards as these that keeps honest trappers and fur-traders for iver in hot water here.

The most striking and attractive point about Redhand was the extreme kindliness that beamed in his countenance. A long life in the wilderness had wrinkled it; but every wrinkle tended, somehow, to bring out the great characteristic of the man. Even his frown had something kindly in it. The prevailing aspect was that of calm serenity.

"Ay, that's it," said Redhand, who, with his companions, had, the instant he was loose, commenced to rub and chafe his own benumbed limbs into vitality, as if his life and theirs depended on their exertions as indeed they did to no small extent, for, had they been called upon to fight or fly at that moment, they could have done neither.

To snatch up their arms and run to a place of safety was the work of a moment. It must not be supposed that such experienced men as Redhand and Bounce were altogether unprepared for a surprise of this sort. On the day of their arrival at the hunting ground, their first care had been to select such a place for their camp as lay in close proximity to some natural stronghold.

"What! my pistols," cried Bertram, seizing his weapons with as much delight as if they had been really serviceable. "Hah! ver' goot for play vid," observed Gibault contemptuously. "I say, here's something else," said Bounce, picking up a rifle. "Wah!" exclaimed Hawkswing, pointing to the weapon in surprise, and turning his eyes on Redhand. "Wot! d'ye know who it b'long'd to?" inquired Bounce.

"Him be one buffalo I see hims bump." "The bumps that ye see is neither more nor less than a man leanin' forard it is." At this moment the rest of the party rode up, and Redhand confirmed Bounce's opinion. "There's only one, I guess, an' he's in a powerful hurry," observed Big Waller. "But we may as well be ready to fix his flint if he means to cut up rough."

"Had we not been willing" replied Redhand dryly, "we wouldn't have come even thus far."

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