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Those two smaller dynamos Azuma-zi by force of contrast despised; the large one he privately christened the Lord of the Dynamos. They were fretful and irregular, but the big dynamo was steady. How great it was! How serene and easy in its working! Greater and calmer even than the Buddhas he had seen at Rangoon, and yet not motionless, but living!

Rangoon, on a river navigable for nine hundred miles, is a large and important seaport and, as the wealth of one of the richest countries filters through its ports, naturally the approach is thronged with shipping.

Judson suspected that the threats emanated from the Governor of Rangoon, and not from the king, and, therefore, he started off, accompanied by a young missionary who had recently joined him, to the capital, to ask the king to prohibit any interference with them or their converts. His majesty not only received them graciously, but promised, if Mr.

A young chap can get into any amount of mischief in Rangoon Rangoon is full of temptations." "Oh, is it?" muttered Shafto indifferently what could its temptations offer in comparison to London? "Anyhow it seems a huge, stirring sort of place," he added, as he watched motors, bicycles, and gharries whirring past the entrance. "Stirring! Why you may say so it's humming like a hive day and night.

Australians are now so widely distributed over the world that it did not surprise me to find that one of the two sisters comes from Melbourne. From Mandalay I went by train to Rangoon, where I lived in a pretty villa among noble trees on the lower slope of the hill which is crowned with the famous golden pagoda, the "Shway-dagon," the most sacred temple of Indo-China.

Thereupon said Gwen: "You see, papa! Old Mrs. Marrable must have been quite a young woman in Uncle George's time. She's heaps younger than Mrs. Picture." She again smoothed the beautiful silver hair, adding: "It's not unfeelingness, because Uncle George died years before I was born." "Killed at Rangoon in twenty-four," said the Earl, with another semi-sigh. "Poor Georgy!"

Two miles away was a stream of fair size, which they judged to be the river that runs down to Pegu, and afterwards joins the Rangoon river below the town. Stanley thought that the hill on which they stood was some five hundred feet above the low country they had left. A great part of the hills was covered with trees although, at the point where they had made their way up, the hillside was bare.

"But you will count me out, if you please. We'll realise this parcel of stones in London, and then divide the money squarely among you three;" and so it was settled. "Then I'll come home with you!" cried Jim Dent. "I've had enough of Rangoon, and this trip'll set me up as a rich man for life." "I hope the woman kept a few stones for herself," said Jack. His father laughed.

He sank back upon the bed and stared miserably at the fallen garment. Gone! Fifty thousand dollars. Some one who knew! Presently he stood up and tugged at his beard. After all, why should he worry? A cable to Rangoon would stop payments. A new letter could be issued. It would take time, but he had plenty of that. Idly he reached for the broken cigar that lay at the foot of the bed.

One evening, as she waited thus, in the warm, damp dusk, FitzGerald in uniform clattered by; he caught sight of Sophy out of what is called "the tail of the eye," and pulled up so suddenly as to throw his horse upon its haunches. "Miss Leigh!" he exclaimed. "Yes, it is! May I ask why you find yourself among the Seven Dials, or devils, of Rangoon?"