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Then they worked on again until night and exhaustion compelled them to desist; when they returned to camp, dried and blew away the sand, weighed the gold, which was put carefully into a general purse named by Larry the "R'yal Bank o' Calyforny" after which they supped, and retired to rest.

Again he emitted the curious bell-like cry, and again the Corinthians and the fighting-men laughed and applauded him. "His Royal Highness that is, the Earl of Chester would be glad to hear the end of your story, Buckhorse," said my uncle, to whom the Prince had been whispering. "Vell, your R'yal 'Ighness, it vas like this.

"Name yer pizons, boys, an' get outside 'em, wishin' all good luck to R'yal Straight; R'yal Straight bein' the name o' this yer stone given by Thomas D. Hesquire, original diskiverer an' present perprietor." Satan, the one cat and only domestic pet of the camp, saw that there was a general treat going on, and bustling up for his drink took a can of condensed milk at six shillings.

Ye see, it's mine, for it belongs to His R'yal Majesty Carlos, King av Spain. The bonds are issued by Spain, an' as he is King av Spain he owns thim bonds. If ye was a native Spaniard ye'd give thim up out av pure loyalty, but as ye're a farr'ner, why, av coorse ye can't be ixpicted to deny yerself to such an ixtint." At this astounding disclosure Russell was struck dumb.

The Day family in Polktown had not gone into mourning in the Spring and Aunt 'Mira gloried in a most astonishing plum-colored silk with "r'yal purple" trimmings. Nevertheless, Janice had now all but given up hope for her father's life. The uncertainty connected with his fate was very hard for the young girl to bear.

"If the Government won't send over stores, nor you write for any, I don't see how the man can help himself. 'Tisn't regulation pattern for the R'yal Artillery, I'll grant you: not the sort of things you'd wear on the right of the line. In fact, he told me 'tis an old pair he used to carry when he went deer-stalkin'."

"I wonder," sighed Aunt Almira, quite unconscious that she spoke aloud, "if I kin turn that old black alpaca gown I got when Sister Susie died, Jason, an' fashion it after one o' the new models?" "Heh?" grunted the startled Mr. Day, glaring at her. "Of course, we'll hafter go inter black it's only decent. But I did fancy a plum-colored dress this Spring, with r'yal purple trimmins.

"Think o' they R'yal Highnesses" they would say "making o' things wi' their own 'ands fer sich as us!

"Let me see," he muttered, and scratched his head with one hand, while he fumbled for his trousers with the other. "'oo made ther fore r'yal fast?" He got into his trousers, and stood up. "Why, ther Or'nary, er course; 'oo else do yer suppose?" "That's all I wanted to know!" said the 'prentice, and went away. "Hi! Tom!" Stubbins sung out to the Ordinary. "Wake up, you lazy young devil.

"Be jing! I've been on the job here at manny a deal of a morn," confided Officer Rellihan to Calvin Dow, "but here's the first natural straight flush r'yal, dealt without a draw." He tagged the Corson party with estimating squints, beginning with the Governor. "Ace, king, queen, John-jack, and the ten-spot! They've caught the office, this time, with a two-spot high!" Mac Tavish played it pat!