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They never quarreled over the point, but Banjo never ceased to urge the reformation, such as he honestly believed it to be, upon Macdonald at every visit. The little troubadour felt that he was doing a generous and friendly turn for a fallen man, and squaring his own account with Macdonald in thus laboring for his redemption.

Her neighbor's daughter would surely know. Had the reckless youth quarreled with the girl? No, no! One of the tavern-keeper's slaves, Ino told her, had whispered something to Alexander, whereupon he had instantly followed the man into the house. Melissa knew that it could be no trivial matter which detained him there, and hurried after him into the tavern.

Can you suppose, my dear madame, that under the circumstances Mme. la Presidente will let M. Pons' property go out of the family without a word? Why, I would sooner face guns loaded with grape-shot than have such a woman for my enemy " "But they have quarreled," put in La Cibot. "What has that got to do with it?" asked Fraisier. "It is one reason the more for fearing her.

Brentano and he quarreled, and he drove Jim Peters down to his boat. I saw them for I was wandering about wishing for Laurel, and I remember it all." "If that man, Brentano, you call him, chased Peters into the boat did he get in with him?" Jack asked anxiously. "Yes, I saw them shove off, but Peters was ugly and wanted to come back." "Did he?"

The people who lived there were intruders and belonged to clans not represented in Walpi, which in all probability kept hostility alive. The early Tusayan peoples did not readily assimilate, but quarreled with one another even when sorely oppressed by common enemies. There is current in Walpi a romantic story connected with the overthrow of Sikyatki.

"Your God and I quarreled nearly four-and-twenty years ago not when Richard, my joy, died, but when Richard, my sorrow, was born," she said. "I own I see no way, short of miracle, of that quarrel being made up." "Then a miracle will be worked," he answered. "Ah! You forget I grow old," Katherine retorted, smiling; "so that for miracles the time is at once too long and too short."

But they said he was once a gambler, who had shot a man with whom he had quarreled, and was nearly caught and lynched by a Vigilance Committee.

Arnuf quarreled with me there, on the same subject; and I immediately retired in disgust to England." "Then how? you ought to be Sir Gilbert Hambledon?" replied Edwin; "but whoever you are, as you were kind to the Lady Marion, I cannot but regret my late hasty charge; and for which I beseech your pardon." Montgomery took his hand, and pressed it.

It made me feel put away from him, chucked out from his friendship. "And I never quarreled with anybody in my life. Sometimes " he turned from one to the other of us, speaking slowly, "Sometimes I seem to antagonize people, for no reason that I can see; and sometimes I fight; but I never quarrel." "No offense intended or taken," I assured him hastily.

But when I talked to him last night, right here in this room, he didn't seem to me a man ready to take his own life." "You quarreled?" "We always quarreled, whenever we met." "But this quarrel was more bitter than usual?" "The last quarrel would seem the bitterest, wouldn't it, Jerry?" he asked. Then, after a moment, "Poor Jim Edwards!" I caught my tongue to hold back the question. Worth went on,