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Madame de Sagan had quarreled with her husband because she had insisted on helping Mademoiselle Selpdorf, who was about to be married to Baron von Elmur, in the choice of her trousseau. Some excitement was being caused in the Guards' barracks by the case of Captain Rallywood, whom Count Sagan accused of using his influence unduly with his brother-officers to forward the projects of Germany.

I might say that I went out to to see our river, and slipped and got wet, and that Auntie thought we'd quarreled, and that I had ... had tried to ... to And he'll say, 'What a joke! But maybe he'll say, 'Why did you go out to Medfield so late? And I'll say, 'Oh, well, I got delayed. ... Yes, that's the thing to do."

McClernand, with whom he had quarreled the day before as to who should command the army while Grant was away, came up with reinforcements, and seeing what the fearless and resolute general had done, yielded him the place.

"Hasn't had a row with the old General, has he?" "No, but with Dan Stuart. They quarreled last night and fought and Dan was killed." His shoulders drooped; he spoke not, but he jerked the chain, the gate flew open and he stepped inside and shut it with a slam; and I heard him fumbling with the fastening that held the door of the coop.

"Not exactly." "Have you left home for good?" "I have left home I hope for good." "Have you quarreled with the governor?" "I hardly know what to say to that. There is a difference between us." "He doesn't seem like a Roman father one who rules his family with a rod of iron." "No; he is quite the reverse. He hasn't backbone enough."

Three times on that trip we saw from the windows of our train aviators out enjoying the cool of the evening in their airships; and each time the natives among the passengers jammed into the passageway that flanked the compartments and speculated regarding the identity of the aviators and the make of their machines, and argued and shrugged their shoulders and quarreled and gesticulated.

At the threshold she nearly ran into his arms. "Why such haste, Thistledown? Have you and Colonel Gresham quarreled?" "Oh, no! I'm going after David. Do you care if he leaves the office for just a little while?" "Certainly not. Tell him from me that he can come." If the Doctor felt any surprise, neither his voice nor his face showed it.

Many of them appropriated several houses, chalked their names on them, and quarreled and even fought with other companies for them. Before they had had time to secure quarters the soldiers ran out into the streets to see the city and, hearing that everything had been abandoned, rushed to places where valuables were to be had for the taking.

Here they tore and gorged and quarreled till, some fifteen minutes later, their last foothold sank beneath them. Then, with dripping beaks and talons, they all flapped back to their cliffs; and slowly the fluent sand smoothed itself to shining complacency over the tomb of the diplodocus, hiding and sealing away the stupendous skeleton for half a million years.

It was then that Lieutenant Blake had dubbed him "Epsom" Downs, and well-nigh quarreled with his chum, Lieutenant Ray, over the question of proprietorship when the two were sent to separate stations and Downs was "striking" for both. And yet, when eventually "bobtailed" out of the th, he had turned up at the old arsenal recruiting depot at St.