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Dave Silverthorn entered the office, and for more than an hour the two talked, their conversation being punctuated with futile queries and profanity. At ten o'clock the next morning Dale appeared at the Double A ranchhouse.

Waddles picked his guitar; two fiddles broke into "Turkey in the Straw" and the dance was on with Waddles calling the turns. All through the room they shuffled and bowed, whirled partners, locked elbows and swung, the shriek of fiddles and scrape of feet punctuated by the caller's boom. "Grab your gals for the grand right an' left!" the big voice wailed. "Swing, rattle and roar!"

The whip now whirled rapidly over his head and fell again and again, and every stroke brought a fresh and louder scream from the mate. Another sound, rhythmic and barbarous, punctuated those shrieks of anguish. It was the singing of Kamasura, who as he wielded the lash remembered a chant of his native land and shouted it now in time with the blows of the blacksnake.

"You an' your girl. Damn you!" She noticed that two very drunken soldiers had been forced to the front, where they wobbled fatuously one of them was short and dark, the other was tall and weak of chin. Henry stepped forward and raised his hand. "Friends!" he said. The clamor faded into a momentary stillness, punctuated with mutterings.

About him the moonlight painted the trees, until they seemed like liquefied ermine; the palace arose in pyramidal surges of marble to the sky, meeting the moonbeams as if in friendly defiance, and casting them back to heaven with triumphant reflections. And the stillness, profound as the tomb, was punctuated by glancing fireflies. Pobloff hummed melodiously.

Trattles!" cried Maitland, and his own voice sounded faint in his ears. "Mrs. Trattles!" The lady thus invoked answered with becoming modesty, punctuated by sniffs, from the other side of the door: "Yes, sir; can I do anything for you, sir?" "Call Dakyns, please," said Maitland, falling back on his pillow. "I don't feel very well." Dakyns appeared in due course.

After a diplomatic correspondence had gone on, extending over several weeks, and Edestone had punctuated his demands with an occasional sinking of a battleship or destruction of a powder plant belonging to the nations who stood out against him, after he had visited all of the principal capitals, and representatives of the Governments had come on board to discuss with him, his terms were finally agreed upon, and the date for this great meeting was fixed.

You see how much worse you are making it for yourself," said the master, who was heartily sick of the struggle, which he felt to be undignified, and the result of which he feared was dubious. But Jimmie only kept up his cry, now punctuated with sobs, "I'm not taking anything to do with you." "Jimmie, listen to me," said the master. "You must hold out your hand.

Each climb was punctuated at the top by a gallon or so of water slopped into the dory from the crest of the wave. These influxes became so frequent that he was obliged to bail very often. Consequently he unshipped one oar and, crawling to the stern, shipped the other in the notch of the sternboard. Here he sculled with one hand so as to keep the dory's head to the wind, and bailed with the other.

Just as I got my key from the clerk he came into the dingy lobby. "Well, Mr. Mifflin," I said. "Shall I see you in the morning?" I think I'll go into the smoking-room and put them wise to some good books. We won't say good-bye till to-morrow." I took my suit case up with me and had a hot bath. As I fell asleep I heard a shrill voice ascending from below, punctuated with masculine laughter.