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Updated: August 14, 2024

"Come on, Quatermain seniores priores. We mustn't keep the old lady waiting!" and he politely made way for me to lead the van, for which inwardly I did not bless him. Tap, tap, went old Gagool's stick down the passage, as she trotted along, chuckling hideously; and still overcome by some unaccountable presentiment of evil, I hung back.

Other fragments of deep interest are preserved by Augustine. One, showing the conception of the state religion as a purely human institution, explains why human antiquities are placed before divine, "Sicut prior est pictor quam tabula picta, prior faber quam aedificium; ita priores sunt civitates, quam ea quae a civitatibus instituta sunt."

She is an ancient maiden of good family, and is led out first at banquets, though many would prefer to sit next some livelier and younger Muse, the lady of fiction, or even the chattering soubrette of journalism. Seniores priores: Poetry, if no longer very popular, is a dame of the worthiest lineage, and can boast a long train of gallant admirers, dead and gone. She has been much in courts.

"He shall be more amiable than I am scolding my husband of husbands;" and she leaned toward him, baby and all, for a kiss from his lips. We say at school "Seniores priores" let favor go by seniority; but where babies adorn the scene, it is "juniores priores" with that sex to which the very young are confided.

The sed seems to be antithetic to the whole as far back as priores pugnae; whereas nunc is opposed only to the clause which immediately precedes it, and constitutes an antithesis within an antithesis. Infestiores, sc. quam fluctus et saxa. Effugeris. Cf. note G. 19: non invenerit; also satiaverit just below. Et mare. Et==also. Cf. note, G. 11. Opes atque inopiam.

In like manner, nostram necessitatem is explained by nullae ultra terrae: there is no retreat for us, etc. Animus, Confidence. Proelium arma. T. has a passion for pairs of words, especially nouns, of kindred signification. Priores pugnae, sc. in which the Caledonians took no part.

Clear Water Bay transformed Cahill's Farewell Ptarmigan Bay A Night under Canvas "No more Collars or Neckties!" Companions in Misfortune Cedar Lake "Lop-sticks" An Indian Village Shashegheesh's Two Wives Buying Potatoes Seniores Priores Excellent Carrots! Frank's Flirtations with the Squaws The Dogs eat Carriere's Toboggan.

Cum priores rerum scriptores considero, deterreor a scribendo; cum vero nostri temporis, nonnihil confido, sperans me paucis inferiorem futurum, si omnino nervos intendero. IV. He did not remain in England long after this; soon after the midsummer of 1422 he left this country.

Sed apud priores, ut agere digna memoratu pronum magisque in aperto erat, ita celeberrimus quisque ingenio ad prodendam virtutis memoriam, sine gratia aut ambitione, bonae tantum conscientiae pretio ducebatur.

X. Britanniae situm populosque, multis scriptoribus memoratos non in comparationem curae ingeniive referam; sed quia tum primum perdomita est. Ita quae priores nondum comperta eloquentia percoluere, rerum fide tradentur.

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