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Updated: August 11, 2024

Had that curious Painter lived in her days, he might have avoided his painful search, when he collected from the choicest pieces the most choice Features, and by a due Disposition and Judicious Symmetry of those exquisite parts, made one whole and perfect Venus. Nature seem'd here to have play'd the Plagiary, and to have molded into Substance the most refined Thoughts of inspired Poets.

Believe me, and I know you too; may I so enjoy the health you wish me, as I play'd at leap-frog so long with our boy, that my master grew jealous, and sent me to dig in the country: But hold thy tongue and I'll give thee a loaf." I marvel," said I, "whether they be all mash'd together or made of loam; for in a Saturnal at Rome, my self saw the like imaginary shew of a supper."

And where the star of youth arose, I deem'd life's lingering ray should close, And those lov'd trees my tomb o'ershade, Beneath whose arching bowers my childhood play'd." I was born in a valley not very remote from the sea. My father had been a sailor in youth, and some of my earliest recollections are connected with the history of his adventures, and the recollections they excited.

"Through primrose tufts, in that sweet bower, The periwinkle trailed its wreaths; And 'tis my faith that every flower Enjoys the air it breathes. "The birds around me hopp'd and play'd, Their thoughts I cannot measure: But the least motion that they made, It seemed a thrill of pleasure.

And, that Freeman thinks his Brother Guilty and a Thief: A Hynds a Thief! so that Hynds House hangs Heavy above his head. And that Emily begins to Hate Freeman, who Loves her. She thinks he hath play'd Judas. I shall have Pleasant dreams! Never shall they Find where Shooba hid the Gems, between a night and a morning.

Oh! that's the business of another day, a mistake only, Madam. L. Ful. Away, I'm asham'd to see wise Men so weak; the Fantoms of the Night, or your own Shadows, the Whimseys of the Brain for want of Rest, or perhaps Bredwel, your Man who being wiser than his Master, play'd you this Trick to fright you both to Bed. Sir Feeb.

Tam Luter was their minstrel meet, Gude Lord as he could lance, He play'd sae shrill, and sang sae sweet, Till Towsie took a trance. Auld Lightfoot there he did forleet, And counterfeited France; He used himself as man discreet, And up took Morrice danse sae loud, At Christ's Kirk on the Green that day. I continue to scribble at length, though the subject may seem somewhat deficient in interest.

There was Dick Stove with his trombone, Henry Anderson with his bass, Making music swift as raindrops in a race. There was Guy Wright with his clarionet, Henry Adams with his B, And the music made the youngsters dance with glee. There was Johnson, he play'd second, Who, when horn-blowing was dull, Could play a fiddle tempting to the soul.

It was no counterfeited thing; It was her owne pure looking; So the goddess, dame Nature, Had made them open by measure And close; for were she never so glad, Not foolishly her looks were spread, Nor wildely, though that she play'd; But ever, methought, her eyen said: "By God, my wrath is all forgiven."

"Why, he's mad!" exclaimed the terrified boatswain, who was not far off the point himself. "Mad!" resumed Price. "Not a soul But felt a fever of the mad, and play'd Some tricks of desperation. As the maniac finished the last words, before they could be aware of his intention, he made a spring from the deck over the bulwark, and disappeared under the wave.

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