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Honore; and having thus performed my duties to the world of fashion, I return to the exercise of my rights as a member of the Carnival. At two o'clock all the world meets at the Theatre Ventadour: lions and tigers the whole of our menagerie will be present. Evoe! off we go! roaring and bounding Bacchanal and Saturnal; 'tis agreed that we shall be everything that is low.

Saturnal. If the devil will not have them to bag, he must wring hard the spigot, and stop the bung-hole. How Gargamelle, being great with Gargantua, did eat a huge deal of tripes. The occasion and manner how Gargamelle was brought to bed, and delivered of her child, was thus: and, if you do not believe it, I wish your bum-gut fall out and make an escapade.

Believe me, and I know you too; may I so enjoy the health you wish me, as I play'd at leap-frog so long with our boy, that my master grew jealous, and sent me to dig in the country: But hold thy tongue and I'll give thee a loaf." I marvel," said I, "whether they be all mash'd together or made of loam; for in a Saturnal at Rome, my self saw the like imaginary shew of a supper."

In the frenzied frolic that had seized hold of them they forgot their slain comrades, still unburied. They whoop, shout, and laugh till the cliffs, in wild, unwonted echo, send back the sound of their demoniac mirth. A riot rare as original a true saturnal of savages. Literally buried alive, as Walt Wilder had said, were he and his companion.