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Updated: August 3, 2024

"Oh, they have been punished enough," said the old man; "forgive them, sir." Hardy looked as if he wished to speak. "Not because you ask it," said Mr. Trueman to the guilty penitents, "though I should be glad to oblige you it wouldn't be just; but there," pointing to Hardy, "there is one who has merited a reward; the highest I can give him is that of pardoning his companions."

His last remaining adherent, Rees ap Walwayn, surrendered, on hearing of his lord's captivity, and was sent prisoner to the Tower. For David himself a sadder fate was reserved. His request for a personal interview with his injured sovereign was refused. Edward did not care to speak with a man whom he had no thought of pardoning.

Nevertheless he began to feel grateful to her. She was surely unlike other women, incapable of bearing a grudge. For he had not been very "nice" to her in the days when he was happy and she was in difficulties. At this moment he vaguely exaggerated his lack of "niceness," and perhaps also her pardoning temperament. In truth, he was desperately in need of a touch from the magic wand of sympathy.

When Lycas, still resenting the abuse he received in his vitiated wife, and the affronts at the porch of Hercules' temple, with greater rage cry'd out, "I thought you had been convinc'd, Tryphoena, that Heaven has the care of humane affairs, when it not only brought our enemies into our power, which they strove to avoid, but reveal'd it in a vision to us both; see what you'l get by pardoning them, whom Heaven it self has brought to punishment, for my part, I am not naturally so cruel, but am afraid the judgment I shou'd prevent from justly falling upon others, may light on my own head."

I told you before, that the angel of the Lord did encamp about them, but now he saith, "his salvation is also nigh them"; the which although it doth not altogether exclude the conduct of angels, but include them; yet it looketh further. "Surely his salvation," his saving, pardoning grace, "is nigh them that fear him"; that is, to save them out of the hand of their spiritual enemies.

Charity means pardoning what is unpardonable or it is no virtue at all. Hope means hoping when things are hopeless or it is no virtue at all. And faith means believing the incredible or it is no virtue at all." If you say this is a paradox I reply: it must be so, since it requires faith to accept a paradox.

Scripture phrases to express remission import this, viz. covering of sin, pardoning of debts, blotting out of sins, hiding of God's face from sin, not remembering of them, casting of them behind his back, casting of them into the sea, removing of sin, Psalm xxxiii. 1, 2.

I have thought, considering how often I have procured judgments and destructions to myself, that God would be weary of pardoning, or else that he would pardon with grudging. This doing of us good with rejoicing, this saving of us from deserved judgments with rejoicing, this getting the victory over our destructions for us, with rejoicing; O! it is a marvellous thing!

Surely no sharper grief can be inflicted on the Spirit of God than when we leave His gifts neglected and unappropriated. In the highest region of all, how many of these there are which we treat so! A Saviour and His pardoning blood; a Spirit and His quickening energies; that eternal life which might spring in our souls a fountain of living waters all these are ours.

To look about us, while thus surrounded, seems to be a very natural wish. And if so, a portable closet, or rather a flying watch-box, is but a blundering contrivance. You know your Anna: her busy brain will be meddling. And perhaps she trusts too much to the pardoning affection of friendship. Once again, adieu. Yours ever and ever, Frank Henley to Abimelech Henley Sir, London, Grosvenor-Street

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