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Sally's lips went pallid with passion and her white nostrils quivered. "A common little trull," she burst out. "She should be sent to Bridewell and soundly whipped. 'Tis little more than six months she was a street squaller cadging for pence round the boozing kens of St. Giles and Clare Market. And now pah! it makes me sick."

Mhtoon Pah stood and looked curiously at Hartley, and remained in a state of suspended animation for a second. "How could I see him come back?" he said, in a flat, expressionless voice. "I went to the Pagoda, Thakin. I am building a shrine there, and shall thereby acquire much merit. I did not see the Reverend return. Besides, he might not have come by the way of Paradise Street." "He might not."

I pay my cow men more; and they haven't spent five years at Yale. Now take the timber cases. You hold the Smelter shouldn't take free timber from the Forests?" "No more than the poorest thief who steals a stick of wood from a yard " "Pah! Poor man! Dismiss that piffle from your brain! What does the poor man do for the Valley? Why does any man stay poor in this land? Because he is no good!

" and I won't tell Kagig you made love to me!" he continued. "Poof! Pah! Kagig, 'e know that long ago!" Will turned to his two men and bade them tie the horses to a bush. "How are the ribs?" he asked me. "Nothing serious," said I. "Do you think you can watch her if I tie her feet?" "She's slippery and strong! Better tie her to a tree as well!"

That damsel was called "Ka Pah Syntiew, the flower-lured one," because that man caught her by coaxing and enticing her with a flower. That man, who came from the village of Nongjri in the Bhoi country, was called the Nongjri Kongor.

Stuart's hours of consultation when I arrived at his house, and the servant showed me into a waiting-room, informing me that the doctor would join me in a few minutes. Directly she had gone out I took from the pocket of my tunic the sealed envelope which I had intended to lodge with the doctor. Pah! it was stained with blood which had trickled down from the wound in my scalp!

"I know it will serve me as it did when we came over." "And to think," said Mousqueton, "that we have nothing to fight seasickness with but barley bread and hop beer. Pah!" "But where is your wicker flask, Monsieur Mousqueton? Have you lost it?" asked Blaisois. "No," replied Mousqueton, "Parry kept it. Those devilish Scotchmen are always thirsty.

They all went to the window; Sabre with them, profoundly impressed. Mr. Fortune pointed into the street. "There. That's what it is. Here comes your German army down this way from the cathedral. Choked. Blocked. Immovable mob. How many do you suppose could hold them up? Thirty, twenty, a dozen. Hold them up and throw them into hopeless and utter disorder. Pah! Simple, isn't it?

The ordinary English mind seemed incapable of perceiving that any faith need be kept with a dark-coloured man, and Duaterra was defrauded of his share of the oil procured from the whales he had helped to catch, carried past his own shores, only two miles from the pah where the master had engaged to land him, and turned adrift in the then uninhabited Norfolk Island, where a whaler picked him up almost starved, and brought him back to Australia.

"But have no fear; I should hesitate to soil an innocent leaden bullet in your carcass." "Be gentle," I advised, "or when we meet again I shall feel it my duty to dull the lustre of your other eye." "Pah!" he ejaculated. "We are indebted to the French for the word canaille, which applies to all Americans and Englishmen." "Now," said I, climbing off the pallet, "I shall certainly do it."