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"Can't help it if you do," was Lee Bryant's reply. "I know what I'm talking about: concrete is necessary. No irrigation engineer to-day who knows his business would think of anything else. Mr. McDonnell's man approved its use, the state engineer likewise. The latter wouldn't allow the change even should I ask it." "Pah! He'd not concern himself either way.

"Ah! ah, to be sure, Ronald, our young Good Samaritan having purchased the brother, would naturally expect the sister " "Have a c-care, Chichester, I say!" "The sister to be grateful, my dear boy. Pah! don't you see it, Ronald? a sprat to catch a whale! The brother saved, the sister's gratitude gained Oh, most disinterested, young Good Samaritan!"

But all this toasting and buttering and grilling and frying your friends, and serving them up hot for all the old cats at a tea-table to mew over Pah!" Puffin was silent a moment in appreciation of these noble sentiments. "But you put in a lot of work over them," he said at length. "Often when I'm going up to bed, I see the light still burning in your sitting-room window."

"I 'ate toffs," he said, deliberately, as he placed his mug on the counter. "They're all right when you know 'em, Charlie," said Joe, who was averse to having the evening spoiled at that early hour. "A real toff's bad enough," continued the fireman, "but a himitation one pah!" He buried his face in the pewter again, and laughed discordantly. "You go aboard and wash you face, Tommy," repeated Mr.

And he drew a rapid half-circle about the mouth of the shallow cave, his eyes brightening with interest. "Pah! your doughty Frenchman appears overly anxious to be killed," began Cairnes, casting an eager glance toward the provisions dropped upon the ground. "To my mind we had better break our fast before commencing such labor.

On this, they cooked their supper, lake trout hauled out while they waited, and flap jacks, with a tin plate for a frying pan. "Anyway," said the Ranger wiping the smoke tears from his eyes, "the smoke keeps off the mosquitoes." "Mosquitoes, pah! That shows y're Yale for all y'r good work this day! A have no seen one yet." Wayland's answer was to light his pipe.

They were lofty, charming, and with glorious views, all the more glorious for being framed by those graceful Romanesque windows, with their slender pillars and quaint, round-topped arches. Sir Charles had made his mind up. "I must and will have it!" he cried. "This is the place for me. Seldon! Pah, Seldon is a modern abomination." Could we see the high well-born Count?

"The subject is distasteful." "Mademoiselle de Vesc distasteful? Monsieur La Mothe, I apologize. In all my Paris days I was never such a hypocrite as to make love to a woman who was distasteful. But then, is any woman distasteful if a man be only in the right mood?" "Villon, that is untrue " "My friend, I know my past better than you do. Distasteful? Pah! it is an ugly word."

"They will never reach the other side a night like this," called out some one. "What did you let 'em get away from you for?" asked another of the Vigilants. "How could I help it?" growled the farmer. "They were well armed and 'twas three men against one." "Pah! You've brought us out on a wild-goose chase, and on a durned bad night," came a voice from the wet and darkness.

There was a curious power in the words, as he lingered over them, like half-comprehended music, as simple and tender as if they had come from the depths of a woman's heart: it touched him deeper than his power of control. Pah! it was a dream of Faust's; he, too, had his Margaret; he fell, through that love. He went on slowly to the mill.