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And, by gollies, when I read that there gun-fight down in Texas, I ketched myself feelin' along my hip, like I was packin' a gun. And when I read about that cowboy's hoss, the one with the sarko eye and the white legs, why, I ketched myself feelin' for my ole bandanna to blow my nose. An' I seen dead hosses a-plenty. But you needn't to say nothin' about that in the letter.

Wasn't she?" "I don't think she noticed I was there." "What! you bolted?" No reply. "See here, what you doin'?" "Packin' up." "Where you goin'?" "Been thinkin' for some time I ain't wealthy enough to live in this metropolis. There may be a place for a poor man, but Dawson isn't It."

"After we'd locked up," broke in Fancy, "and just as I was packin' Dad off to bed, it came into my head to ask him 'I suppose you don't know, said I, 'of anyone's havin' been to master's safe without my bein' told? He thought a bit, and 'No, says he; 'nobody 'cept myself, an' that but once. 'You? says I, 'and whoever sent you there? 'Why, the master hisself, says Dad.

"Why, as you know, Wyatt can knock him a shell together that'll win the race under everybody's nose. 'Tis a child's play, if you don't mind castin' the boat next day an' content yourself with scantlin' like a packin' case. At least, 'twould be child's play to any one but Wyatt, who can't help buildin' solid, to save his life. If the man had consulted me, I'd have recommended Mitchell.

"And didn't it work?" asked Ralph. "No. That is, it did fer a while, till ther novelty wore off, and then folks went back ter ther old reliable mule or burro. Circus Jesse, he got so blamed sore, that one fine day he turned the whole shootin' match of his backterians loose, and packin' his trunk, let the country, and resolved in futur' ter stick ter his circus." "Was that long ago?" asked Jack.

But such feat was beyond human ingenuity. "Wal," ejaculated the hunter, "in all my days raslin' round with fools packin' guns I never seen the likes of thet. No wonder the Japs licked the Russians!" This achievement of Takahashi's led me to suggest his hunting bear with us. "Aw sure I kill bear too," he said. Takahashi outwalked and outclimbed us all. He never made detours.

"There!" says Vee, givin' me a grateful look that tingles clear down to my toes. "I just knew you could help. But how can " "Watch!" says I. I finds him packin' his precious violin and preparin' to beat it. "See here, Hiscock," says I. "Maybe you think you're the only one whose feelin's have been hurt this evenin'." He stares at me grouchy.

We scanned the opposite side for sight of MacRae, but saw nothing of him; he kept close under cover. "They're packin' up," Piegan murmured, with a dry chuckle. "I reckon things won't tighten nor nothin' in a few minutes, eh? But say, damn if I see anything among that layout that resembles a female. Do you?" I did not, even when I focused the field-glasses on that bunch at that short distance.

He ain't made to be stopped by a gun." "Mebby he ain't stopped, but he's slowed up considerable. Did you see the two guys he got? Saunders was pretty nigh cut in two and the other one by the bar had four holes in him. I counted 'em, to quit thinkin' of my arm. Them automatics is fierce!" "He would never 'a' got out if he'd been packin' a regular old six-gun," said Bud Light.

Well well, there now.... Sure, it's all right, Lenore. You made me break it sudden-like.... Listen. There's all summer to talk. Just now you want to get a few details. Get 'em straight.... Dorn is on the way here. They put his stretcher we've been packin' him on one into a motor-truck. There's a nurse come with me a man nurse. We'd better put Dorn in mother's room. That's the biggest an' airiest.