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Sometimes it wants small packages for a small sum, or large packages for more, but mostly, what it frankly wants is a large package for a small sum! Some dealers didn't like the trade-mark. It was changed. It then turned out that the first trade-mark was really what was wanted. J waded dejectedly about in whey until a new cheese man took the helm. He also fell ill.

"Here's your prize packages! Only five cents! Money prize in every package! Walk up, gentlemen, and try your luck!" The speaker, a boy of fourteen, stood in front of the shabby brick building, on Nassau street, which has served for many years as the New York post office.

There were several neat packages, the contents of which would aid and abet such humble refreshment as the City of Dead Waters could produce; but I had more than an hour to play with; and much can be done in an hour by an enthusiast with a good circulation. I had not quite realized, however, how largely my brother's companionship contributed to my pleasure on these excursions.

At eleven o'clock next morning a light carriage and pair came round to the Hall gate, and a large basket, a portmanteau, and a bag were placed on the roof under care of Moss; smaller packages were put inside; and Lady Bassett and her maid got in, both dressed in black. They reached Bellevue House at half-past two.

"We will eat soon, for I confess to having an appetite on my own account." Deciding to eat, at least on this first day of the tramp, a lunch of their own providing, rather than go to some restaurant, country hotel, or stop at a chance farm house, the girls had brought with them packages of food, and the alcohol stove for a cup of tea, or some chocolate.

Gemma, with bare arms and an apron over her dress, was standing at a table, putting up little packages of cartridges for distribution. She had stood over the work since early morning; and now, in the glaring afternoon, her face looked haggard with fatigue. "A man, Cesare? What does he want?" "I don't know, dear. He wouldn't tell me. He said he must speak to you alone." "Very well."

The woman looked sorely disappointed. "It's awful good tea," she pleaded. "Th' kind as comes in yeller packages, and they is sugar too." I turned to Dr. Grant. A nearly imperceptible smile and nod from him showed me that I had better accept. It was evident that the poor creature could not understand how any one could refuse tea, the only luxury of her hard life.

They are no doubt in distress there, for you may have heard of the death of Charles Stuart, on his way from Arkansas. He died at Lynchburg of congestive chills. Rosalie, I heard, was at 'Cedar Grove, Turbeville in Essex. I have delivered all your packages but Margaret's. Cassius Lee and all from the seminary are here. Sally came up from Gloucester, and also Mrs. Taliaferro.

"Good-evening; will you walk in?" he said. It was a pleasant, cheery voice, one to make a sick person feel well. "Please step into the office." Robert entered a room smelling of rhubarb, jalap, ipecac, and other medicines in bottles and packages on the shelves. Sincere and hearty were the thanks of Doctor Warren for the present. "I want Mrs. Warren to make your acquaintance," he said.

With the care of half a dozen colossal commercial undertakings upon his mind, he is as merry as a boy and as playful as a kitten. But when once aroused his anger is terrible. His thunder and lightning played around the station-master at Montreux on the discovery of the absence of five packages. The Patriarch has a wholesome faith in the all-sufficiency of the English language.