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The membership of the Union had been running up fast; there had been a row that very morning at the pit where he worked, the Union men refusing to go down in the same cage with the blacklegs. He and his mates would have to put their backs into it. Never fear but they would! Bullying might be trusted only to make them the more "orkard."

Blandford knows, for I heard her tell her ma about it. And when his affairs were wound up and his debts paid, I reckon that the two hundred and fifty was all there was left and he scooted with it. It's orkard for you ez I said afore but I don't see wot on earth you need get riled for.

"That's a bit orkard," ses Sam, scratching his 'ead. "Same time, it don't do to throw away a chance. If 'e was my uncle I should pretend to be a teetotaller while 'e was here, just to please 'im." "And when you felt like a drink, Peter," ses Ginger, "me and Sam would look arter 'im while you slipped off to get it." "He could 'ave the room below us," ses Sam. "It is empty." Peter gave a sniff.

"He took hold o' my 'and and shook it. 'You've got more sense than one 'ud think to look at you, Bill, he ses, not thinking wot he was saying. 'You see wot a mess I'm in. "'Yes, I ses. "'I'm a nurse, that's wot I am, he ses, very savage. 'Just a nursemaid. I can't move 'and or foot without that gal. 'Ow'd you like it, yourself, Bill? "'It must be very orkard for you, I ses.

'Yo're that orkard wi things, Margret, yo're like a dog dancin. But in the bustle Margaret had managed to say to David, 'Howd your tongue, noddle-yed, will yo? And so unexpected was the lightning from her usually mild blue eyes that David sat dumbfounded, and presently sulkily got up to go. Margaret followed him out and down the bit of garden.

But when he came on deck again, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he was unaccompanied by the fog-horn. "Where the blamed thing's got to, I dunno, more'n the dead. I see it there, myself, not two days ago, but it ain't nowheres to be found now." "Rather orkard, Skipper, ain't it, in all this maze o' shippin'?" returned Mr. Topper with a half turn at the wheel.

He paused and then cleverly directing a stream of tobacco juice at an accurate curve over the railing, wiped his lips with the back of his hand, and added, slowly: "Thar's another idea but I reckon it's only mine. Leastways I ain't heard it argued by anybody." "What is that?" asked Demorest. "Wa'al, it ain't exakly complimentary to E. Blandford, Esq., and it mout be orkard for YOU."

She's thinking of that orkard lout of a fellow just because he's standing to be a Parl'ament gent." This did not improve matters, and Ralph absolutely ran away, ran away, and escaped to his hotel. He would try again in the morning, would still make her his wife if she would have him! And then swore a solemn oath that in such case he would never see his father-in-law again.

It was an orkard question, and I told him that he 'ad got a good 'art and that no man could 'ave a better pal. I said he 'ad got a good temper and was free with 'is money. O' course, that didn't satisfy 'im, and at last he told me to take a good look at 'im and tell him wot I thought of 'is looks.

"You do like to have your talk, don't you! Well, I dare say I was orkard with Isabella. I won't go for to say I wasn't orkard, for I was. She should ha' used me to 't before, if she wor took that way. She and I had just settled down comfortable after my old man went, and I didn't see no sense in it, an' I don't now. She might ha' let the men alone. She'd seen enough o' the worrit ov 'em."