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Updated: August 29, 2024

Here, Ralph, the Bottle, Rogue, of Sack, ye Rascal; hadst thou been a Butler worth hanging, thou wou'dst have met us at the door with it. Ods bods, Sweet-heart, thy health. Bear. Away with it, to the Bride's Haunce in Kelder. Sir Feeb. Let. I die but to imagine it, wou'd I were dead indeed. Sir Feeb. Hah hum how's this? Tears upon the Wedding day? Sir Cau.

You made my father lose his." "Ods life, Susan, don't you know it's a man's right to tell women how they ought to live? Dear Alison wouldn't listen." Susan laughed. "She has made you look very foolish." "If she has I'll forgive her." "Oh. You do then," said Susan. "On your honour, miss, what did you think of Mr. Harry Boyce?" "I wondered Alison should love him." "Ods life, yes.

Ods fish, Morton, I was an angered, and I made so much haste to the door that my foot slipped by the way: thy brother heard me fall, and came out; but I looked at him as I never looked at thee, Morton, and entered the room. Lo, the priest was not there: I searched both chambers in vain; so I made thy brother lift up the trapdoor, and kindle a lamp, and I searched the room below, and the passage.

Most assuredly, unless you have the courage to retrieve it. I'll set it at a Throw, or any way: what say you, Gentlemen? Sir Feeb. Ods bobs, you young Fellows are too hard for us every way, and I'm engag'd at an old Game with a new Gamester here, who will require all an old Man's stock. L. Ful. Come, Cousin, will you venture a Guinea? Come, Mr. Bredwel. Gay.

Ods fish, now how I have got out of my story! Well, I did not go back to my room, Morton, till I had looked to the outside of the iron door, and seen that the plate was as firm as ever: so now you have the whole of the matter. Gerald went the next day, and I fear me much lest he should already be caught in some Jacobite trap. Write me thy advice on the subject.

"Since I am permitted to use my tongue, she has not come near me, save when I slept," I answered ruefully. "Nor will she, I'll be sworn," says he, shaken with laughter. "'Ods, have you no invention? Egad, you must feign sleep, and seize her unawares." I did not inform his Lordship how excellent this plan seemed to me.

Ods fish, boy, I will go to the countess myself, if you will just let Nicholls finish my wig, never attend the ladies en deshabille, always, with them, take care of your person most, when you most want to display your mind;" and my uncle ringing a little silver bell on his dressing-table, the sound immediately brought Nicholls to his toilet.

Well, but, Morton, I hope thou hast got that crotchet clear out of thy mind, and prithee now /don't/ talk of it when thou comest down to see me. I hate conversations on marriage more than a boy does flogging, ods fish, I do. So you must humour me on that point!

"Ods bodikins!" continued Smollett, laughing, "I never could pass a comfortable hostel without stopping, and so, with your permission, I'll e'en stop here, and whoever wills may lead friend Cyprian to his further adventures. Do you, Sir Walter, give us a touch of the Wizard of the North."

"Oh, king," said the young knight, "seeing that we are about to engage in a big fight, I would call it scrap iron, wouldn't you?" "Ods Bodkins!" said the king. "The youth hath a pretty wit."

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