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Updated: August 24, 2024

Yas, I obsarve ye be; but if ye're my meat, an' I think prob'ble ye be, I ain't a-goin' fer ter let yer off so nice and easy. P'arps ye kin tell who fired the popgun, a minnit ago, w'at basted my ole pard?" "I shall not take trouble to tell!" replied Ned, fingering the trigger of his left six uneasily.

"As you please," replied Roswell; "you and Jeff may settle that between you." "And ther's nothing to sittle, as me mither used to obsarve whin she looked into the impty coffee-pot; Jiff won't pretind that he knows anything of this country so long as he is in the prisence of mesilf."

He extended his hand to his friend and shook it warmly, as he was inclined to do for slight cause. "Now stand still, obsarve, admire and remimber." And with this high flown counsel, Terry with his gun in position began moving toward an enormous bull.

Why, you know I'd be sarry to conthradict either o' yez; but I was jist goin' to obsarve, wid simmission, that my own lips ought to know best; an' don't you hear them tellin' you that they did kiss it?" and he grinned with confidence in their faces. "You double-dealing reprobate!" said the parish priest, "I'll lay my whip across your jaws. I saw you, too, an' you did not kiss the book."

"Yez are a bright child, as me mother used to obsarve whin I'd wash me face in her buttermilk and smiled through the windy at her. If ye continues to grow in your intellect yez may come to be a man that I won't be ashamed to addriss and take by the hand when I maats yez in the straats."

He moved with the utmost circumspection toward the spot, being able to locate it by means of the moonlit opening overhead, and when he was near it he halted and listened. "I don't obsarve that any one is loafing about here, getting in the way of honest folks." Just then he ran plump against an Apache, whom he did not suspect was so near him.

"I don't obsarve much of the same mesilf," said the other, whose face nevertheless was on abroad grin; "I wasn't laughing at yersilf, or the mistake we made." "What was it then that amused you so much?" "I was thinkin' how funny it looked to see the deer and bears and buffaloes and foxes and panthers all standing round that big bowl and winkin' at each ither while they drank their health."

The latter were pulverized magnetic iron ore, which almost always accompanies the gold. Frank's and Roswell's eyes sparkled as they saw so much of the yellow particles, even though it looked almost as fine as the black sand. "How will you separate them?" asked Frank. "Now ye'll obsarve the use that that cask is to be put to," replied Tim, "if ye'll oblige me by filling the same with water."

Despite his own fixity of gaze, Hank noted what they were doing, and turning abruptly toward them, asked: "Do you obsarve anything 'tic'lar?" "Nothing more than what we have seen," replied Jack. "There are the mountain peaks, most of them reaching above the snow-line; the dark masses below; the scrubby pines, with more abundant vegetation, still further down."

When I was a boy larnin' to shoot, sais father to me, one day, 'Sam, sais he, 'I'll give you a lesson in gunnin' that's worth knowin'. "Aim high," my boy; your gun naterally settles down a little takin' sight, cause your arm gets tired, and wabbles, and the ball settles a little while it's a travellin', accordin' to a law of natur, called Franklin's law; and I obsarve you always hit below the mark.

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