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Updated: August 26, 2024

But seeing their great doctor Aristotle himself confesseth, "quod omnes antiqui decreverunt quasi quodam return principium, ipsumque infinitum" "That all the ancient decree a kind of beginning, and the same to be infinite"; and a little after, more largely and plainly, "Principium eius est nullum, sed ipsum omnium cernitur esse principium, ac omnia complecti ac regere", it is strange that this philosopher, with his followers, should rather make choice out of falsehood, to conclude falsely, than out of truth, to resolve truly.

"Admirable!" he thought to himself, "admirable! We are all there my mother and I three parts of mankind." But on a page of the other book he had marked these lines for the beauty of them: "Beatus qui amat te, et amicum in te, et inimicum propter te. Solus enim nullum eorum amittit, cui omnes in illo cari sunt qui non amittitur." He hung over the fire, pondering the two utterances.

Praesidet sacerdos muliebri ornatu: sed deos, interpretatione Romana, Castorem Pollucemque memorant: ea vis numini; nomen Alcis. Nulla simulacra, nullum peregrinae superstitionis vestigium: ut fratres tamen, ut juvenes, venerantur. Ceterum Arii super vires, quibus enumeratos paulo ante populos antecedunt, truces, insitae feritati arte ac tempore lenocinantur.

The best cordial I could take, would be to hear, from time to time, of your industry and diligence; for in that case I should consequently hear of your success. Remember your own motto, 'Nullum numen abest si sit prudentia'. Nothing is truer. Yours. BLACKHEATH, September 23, 1757

Although Charles opposed the Reformation, he opposed it honestly, and his faith in his own religion was absolute. He was a Christian gentleman. As he entered Wittenberg after the battle of Mahlberg, some bishop asked him to dig up Luther's body and burn it. "I war not with the dead," he perhaps remembering the grand old Roman line: Nullum cum victis certamen, et aethere cassis.

I heard him once say, 'Though the proverb Nullum numen abest, si sit prudentia , does not always prove true, we may be certain of the converse of it, Nullum numen adest, si sit imprudentia. Once, when Mr. Seward was going to Bath, and asked his commands, he said, 'Tell Dr. Harrington that I wish he would publish another volume of the Nugae antiquae ; it is a very pretty book . Mr.

Mr Allworthy had no sooner lifted up his eyes, and thanked Heaven for these hopes of his recovery, than Mr Blifil drew near, with a very dejected aspect, and having applied his handkerchief to his eye, either to wipe away his tears, or to do as Ovid somewhere expresses himself on another occasion Si nullus erit, tamen excute nullum, If there be none, then wipe away that none,

"Alii multis diebus abstinent cibo, alii igne uruntur, ac ferro secantur, nullum doloris vestigium preferentes; multi sunt vocem e pectore mittentes, qui olim engastrimuthi dicebantur; hoc autem maxime eis contingit cum orgia quædam exercent, atque circumferuntur in orbem.

We hold, therefore, with the worthiest of our divines, nullam doctrinam, nullum sacram signum debere inter pios admitti, nisi a Deo profecta esse constet. Sect. 8. To these reasons which I have put in order against men’s significant ceremonies, I will add a pretty history before I go further. When the Superior of the Abbey of St.

These principles are: "Obligatio mandati consensu contrahentium consistit," a translation of which is, "The powers of an agent are derived from the consent of the contracting parties," and "Rei turpis nullum mandatum est," a translation of which is "No agent can have unjust powers."

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