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Updated: August 19, 2024

For of course it was more than probable that Lois Dunlap had innocently spread the news of Nita's nervousness and her ingenious method of summoning help instantly.... There was a knock at the door. "Come in!... All finished, Carraway?... Fine!

Dundee made no comment, but continued with his information: "Another minor development was that Tracey Miles admitted that he and Flora had quarreled over Sprague after all of you left, and that Flora took two sleeping tablets to make sure of a night's rest." "She's been awfully unstrung ever since Nita's murder," Penny defended her friend.

"She told us all Monday night at Peter's that the doctor had prescribed sleeping medicine.... Now, you look here, Bonnie Dundee!" she cried out sharply, answering an enigmatic smile on the detective's face, "if you think Flora Miles killed Nita Selim and Dexter Sprague, because she was in love with Dexter and learned he was Nita's lover from that silly note " "Whoa, Penny!" Dundee checked her.

"Why, I'm an experiment," said Roberta hastily, as if she had just thought of it and felt impelled to speak. "Yes, but you're the exception that proves the rule," said Nita Reese brusquely. Nita's reputation for executive ability was second only to Christy's and she was badly overworked, and tired and cross in consequence. "I don't think I quite get your idea, Betty.

Good heavens, could she never leave Nita's side that harm did not befall her! At the head of the broad flight of stairs stood her brother-in-law, a black frown on his brow. "Go in and do what you can for her," he briefly said. "I thought she'd be glad to know that that fellow would trouble her no more." "That fellow?" she gasped. "You mean "

That point settled, and the men sent away, to be watched by several pairs of apparently indolent police eyes, Dundee turned to the bridge table, Nita's leaving of which had provided her murderer with his opportunity. "The cards are 'dealt'," Penny reminded him. "Now I want you other three to scatter exactly as you did before," Dundee commanded, hurry and excitement in his voice.

It sounded like it come from Nita's Miss Nita's bedroom, and I run along the back hall that leads from the kitchen to her bedroom. I heard a lot of people running and yelling. Nobody paid any attention to me." "You came into the room?" "No, sir, I did not. I stopped in the doorway. I heard Mr. Sprague say she was dead. I was sick and dizzy anyway, and I couldn't move for a minute.

Briefly, with disappointment flattening his voice, Dundee told of his finding the kitchen door ajar, after he had made sure it was locked on his first rounds of the house. "I worked it out this way," he continued, despite Strawn's grin. "Dexter Sprague was Nita's lover, as I had thought all along.

But there was a stub that interested him. Check No. 17 Nita had spent her money lavishly was filled in as follows, in Nita's pretty backhand: No. 17 $9,000 May 9, 1930 To Trust Dept. For Investment Had John C. Drake, who as vice president in charge of trusts and investments had doubtless handled the check, wondered at all where the $9,000 had come from?

I'll go where you like, when you like, but my baby girl goes with me." The decision was irrevocable and the man understood the obstinacy which was so great a part of Nita's character. So he added no further pressure at the moment. Only his dark eyes regarded her while his thought travelled swiftly. At last, as he made no reply, Nita raised her eyes to his face.

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