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Believe me, chief, I'm right glad of this opportunity to have revenge on him. That's what I have been saying to him." "Ugh!" grunted the savage, apparently satisfied with the explanation. "Neow, capting!" angrily shouted the rifleman, once more raising his piece to the level, "look e' out! Don't be skeert abeout my hittin' o' ye! The whang lies well ageen the bit o' timber. The ball's a big un.

These stragglers were true exponents of Yankee character, always wanting to know, averse to discipline, eccentric in their orbits, entertaining profound contempt for everything that was not up to the measure of "to hum." "Look here, Bill, I say!" said one, with a great grin on his face; "did you ever, neow! I swan! they call that a plough down in these parts."

Starbuck had "made a plan." "Father," said, she at last, "I've be'n thinkin' " "Yay," replied the old man gruffly but not unkindly "yay, I 'spect so. Thee's pooty nigh allus a-thinkin' o' suthin. What is it neow? Eout with it!" "I've be'n thinkin' that Jim's all the child we've got " "Wal, yay. Hain't had no other not's I knows on. What o' that?"

She stopped him with a haughty look. "An' in course," said he, "I don't know, neither. But it dews make me feel dreadful t' think I've started sech a rank bean-pole farm as this, when I've all'as told ye, my little gal, 't we'd ort'er use moderation" Captain Leezur wiped his blessed shining eyes "moderation in all things, even in passnips I have said an' neow I change it to bean-poles."

They're allers givin' to the poor, and they try to make the settlers more decent every way, but 'taint been o' much use". After a long, meditative pause, Micah said, "Neow Captin', I want yeou to answer me one question, honestly. I aint a goin' to ask any thing sarcy. Did ye ever in yer life see a harnsumer, witchiner critter than Miss Adèle is?"

She had a bright, disdainful look, when I chanced to glance that way, new to her, but quite befitting ah me! ah me! some lady one might dream of, of high, disdainful quality. "Ain't he a case neow to describe anything in natur'?" joyfully reiterated Captain Leezur to Uncle Coffin. Uncle Coffin, with his hands on his knees, shook his head at me, finding no words quite to the mark.

"No more'n yeou air!" replied the other, brushing back his long blonde hair from his forehead as he spoke, and looking straight into our hero's countenance with a pair of deep blue eyes. Then, when the two had stared upon each other for fully a minute, both burst into a fit of laughter. "Shoo neow!" exclaimed the Yankee boy, "who air yeou and what air yeou doing here?"

"Wal neow," said Captain Leezur seriously, "my experience has been, there ain't nothin' so onpleasant, when ye're eatin' picked-up codfish, 's to feel the rufe o' yer mouth all runnin' in afeoul along o' a mess o' bones.

Vesty!" said the beloved old man, in that whisper that so thoroughly deceived him "I know 't I set ye up to this bean-pole business. But it won't dew for both on ye to be bean-poles. One or the other on ye 's got to kile. Neow, Vesty, ye know 't major 's got some misfortin's in his looks 't makes him beound to be preoud; ye wouldn't have him other ways. Ye see, Vesty, he don't know 't "

"Neow ef I may be so bold", said Tom, "I wouldn't go anyst the cussed court. It's nothin' at all, but the meanness and envy o' that rowdy priest over the river there. He's jest mad, cos the people come over here to git fodder instid o' goin' to his empty corncrib. They like to hear yer talk better than they do him, and that's the hull on it.