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"Where's he stayin' at now?" demanded Mammy sharply, although she drew the corner of her apron across her eyes. "He's down to Mars' Nat's at the toll-gate cottage. 'Peahs like it's the natch'el place for him to be. Neithah of 'em's got anybody else, and it's kind a like old times when they was chillun, play in' round the big house togethah. I stopped in to see him yestiddy.

Ah guess they killed three or fo' on Tolah's place while ah was there. "Ah nevah went to school. Learned to read and write mah name after ah was free in night school, but they nevah allowed us to have a book in ouah hand, and we couldn't have no money neither. If we had money we had to tu'n it ovah to ouah ownah. Chu'ch was not allowed in ouah pa't neithah.

So gran'mammy tuk me to raise, an' I ain't nevah wanted no mammy but her. Nevah knowed who my daddy was, an' I reckon my mammy didn't know, neithah. I bawn at Richard, Vahjinny. My sistah an' brothah be'n dead too many years to count; I de las' o' de fam'ly. I kin remember 'fore de fust war start. I had three chillen, boys, taller'n me when freedom come.

They both died, and than ah was married Cora heah, and ah had six child'en, one girl and fo' boys. And Bob's about thutty or fo'ty. Ah done lost al mah rememb'ance, too ole now. But Mollie died when he was bo'n, and he is crazy. He ain't married neithah. "After the wah, ah bought a fiddle, and ah was a good fiddlah. Used to be a fiddlah fo' the white girls to dance.

She's playing the same chord in the bass straight through." "Is that what makes the fearsome discord?" he asked. "It makes me think of an epitaph I once saw carved on a pretentious headstone in a little village cemetery: "'Here lies one Who never let her left hand know What her right hand done." "Neithah of Laura's hands will evah find out what the othah one is trying to do," whispered Lloyd.

The girl's dull eyes bulged as they took in the cage, completely swathed in a square of black silk. "Gawd's sake, Mistah Dundee!" she ejaculated. "I didn't put dat covah on dat bird's cage! An' neithah did Mis' Bowen, 'cause she been laid up with rheumatiz eveh since you lef, an' eveh las' endurin' thing in dis ol' house has been lef fo' me to do!" "Then I suppose the indignant Mr.

"Ah never had no good times till ah was free", the old man continued. Mah pappy was a slave befo' me, and mah mammy, too. His name was Gawge Washin'ton Tolah, and her'n was Lucy Tolah. We took ouah name from ouah ownah, and we lived in a cabin way back of the big house, me and mah pappy and mammy and two brothahs. "They nevah mistreated me, neithah.

All that did was to enwich the pwiests' sons and thieves and wobbahs...." Count Ilya Rostov smiled blandly and nodded approval. "And was our militia of any use to the Empia? Not at all! It only wuined our farming! Bettah have another conscwiption... o' ou' men will wetu'n neithah soldiers no' peasants, and we'll get only depwavity fwom them.

Her mothah and mine used to go to school togethah heah in Lloydsboro Valley at the Girls' College, and they've written to each othah once a month for fifteen yeahs. Mrs. Ware is a widow now, and they have ha'd times, for they are poah, and she has foah children youngah than Joyce. But Joyce has had lots of things that neithah Eugenia nor I have had.

Yo' go on an' do fo' 'em jes' lahk Ah was yeh. An' young Mahstah Cap'n Bev'ly, he's Little Miss's engaged-to-mahy genaman, he sais, 'Clem, ef Ah doan' neveh come back, Ah pray an' entrus' yo'-all t' cyah fo' Miss Kate an' huh Maw jes lahk Ah was yeh on th' spot. An Ah said, 'Yes, seh, an' they ain't neithah one a' them eveh did come back.