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They were too ill-humored to talk much, but stood around and sipped their hot coffee and munched sodden crackers and fried pork in silence. Pork fried in the morning in a half-canteen, and carried for hours in a dripping haversack, which reduced the crackers to a tasteless mush, is not an appetizing viand; but the hunger of hard exercise in the open air makes it "go."

He was one of the blowing kind, with nothing behind his blow; and his feet was that tender they wasn't fit to walk on anything harder'n fresh mush. The boys all the time was putting up rigs on him; and he'd go around talking so big about what he meant to do to get even with 'em you'd think he was going to clean out the whole town.

Some peculiar, I allow: but this here stoppin' and turnin' an' playin' up is altogether outside the contrac', Jan. Clean contr'y to discipline. Come, mush on there! D'ye hear me? Mush on, the lot o' ye." It may be that, if he had had no reason for haste, Jim Willis would have gone farther in the matter of investigating Jan's peculiar conduct.

Then, when all was ready, the men took their poles and Nick broke out the frost-bound runners of the sled. At the magic word "Mush!" the dogs sprang at their breast-draws, and the sled glided away down the slope with Nick running beside it, and Ralph following close behind. Down they dropped into the depths of the silent valley, Nick guiding his dogs by word of mouth alone.

'I know it, and I hope I shall be able to pull them through and land them safely; but it's an awful responsibility, for they will come to me and insist that I can make their poor little loves run smoothly. I like it, though, and Meg is such a mush of sentiment she revels in the prospect, answered Jo, feeling pretty easy about her own boys, whose youth made them safe for the present.

It was for this snow, the first permanent one of the fall, that the miners up-creek had waited to begin their freighting. "Curious, ain't it?" Dave hazarded suggestively, as they crossed the main street to the river bank. "Mighty curious me ownin' two five-hundred-foot Eldorado claims an' a fraction, wuth five millions if I'm wuth a cent, an' no sweetenin' fer my coffee or mush!

Now give me some mush!" "If we only had known!" mourned Polly, clasping her hands. "Is it lined with green satin, Joel?" she asked suddenly. "I don't understand," said Mrs. Pepper, in a puzzled way. "Where were you, Joel, when Miss Parrott's man asked you? And you didn't go bareheaded, and without your coat?" "Out in the yard, Mamsie," answered Joel.

Instead of the cold, damp floor of my old master's kitchen, I found myself on carpets; for the corn bag in winter, I now had a good straw bed, well furnished with covers; for the coarse corn-meal in the morning, I now had good bread, and mush occasionally; for my poor tow-lien shirt, reaching to my knees, I had good, clean clothes. I was really well off.

Then, semioccasionally, weird cures arise and seize hold of the female imagination and send our wives and daughters scurrying to the parlors of fashionable specialists, who prescribe long periods of rest at expensive hotels a room in one's own house will not do and strange diets of mush and hot water, with periodical search parties, lighted by electricity, through the alimentary canal.

He had his life all mapped out, and that was more than a great many could boast of. For breakfast he had mush, for dinner he had beans and bacon, and for supper he had bacon and beans and Y.S. tea.