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"Possibly your own conscience suggested that thought to you." "You are heartless," she burst out indignantly. He began to laugh. "That's a droll charge for you to make," he said. She looked at him steadfastly for a moment, and then murmured: "You are thinking of your friend, Mr. Munson." "That would be quite natural. How many more can you think of?"

Muttering some impatient exclamation, he turned about and walked slowly away, taking a direction almost the opposite of that which led toward the sleeping boy. He moved with caution, like one accustomed to the wilderness, and was soon lost to view in the gloom. Then Fred Munson awoke, it was with the impression upon him that he was near some waterfall.

Berners had retired to their chamber not to rest, but to wait for events; for on this night a sure presentiment informed them that Robert Munson, on guard there at their outer door, would be sure to use his opportunities for attempting a rescue. So they quietly coöperated with what they divined to be his intentions.

His foe had his rifle within easy reach, and, if he turned too soon, he could pick off his young assailant before he should arrive within striking distance, but each moment raised the hopes of the lad. A veteran Comanche warrior could not have advanced with greater skill than did young Munson approach the unconscious Apache.

Every steamer carrying bullion also carries lead in the same kind of boxes. I've read of it many a time. It's a safeguard against piracy. We've been fooled that's all." Forsythe answered profanely and as coherently as his rage and excitement would permit. Munson replied by holding his fist under Forsythe's nose. "Get up on the bridge," he said. "And you, Riley, to your engines."

Lonely as Fred Munson felt in that dismal cavern, he preferred the solitude to the companionship of an Apache Indian, and, fearful of discovery, he crouched down to wait until he should move away.

"All hands come over to my shack," glowed Tom Phipps. "I want to hear about this mystery. Thought you were riding a pony, Professor Zepplin?" "He was," laughed Dick Munson. "Some other people wanted the animal more than he did and helped themselves." At this point, Walter, who was staying in another cabin, having heard the noise, had hurried over and joined the little party.

And he shook him until his teeth rattled in his head. "Oh, my good lord! I shall be strangled with the best of intention," sputtered the terrified and half-suffocated victim, as for an another instant he freed his throat from his assailant's clasp, and breathed again. "Help! murder! fire!" yelled Munson, renewing the attack. "Bob! Bob! It's me, I tell you! Purley! Wake up and look at me!

Not until Fred Munson saw that the Apaches were repulsed did he reflect upon the startling fact that there was no one among all the settlers that was placed in as perilous a position as he. The red-skins were between him and the houses, or fortifications, as they may be considered.

The treasurer reported $37.50 received as membership fees, and $100, a gift from Mrs. Catt. This was a small sum to begin a campaign for about 500,000 votes, but all hearts were filled with courage. Later three district presidents resigned and Mrs. Minnie J. Brinstead, Mrs. H. Wirick and Mrs. M. B. Munson were appointed; also Mrs. Hoffman, chairman of press; Dr.