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He asked Sir Lionel if he were staying on in Paris; and in the short conversation that followed I picked up morsels of news which hadn't been given me yet. He didn't say what hotel, so it was evident Mr. Dick Burden need not hope for an invitation to call. Apparently our plans depended somewhat on her, but Sir Lionel "thought we should get away next day at latest."

Women and children, all day long, were seen searching gutters and dunghills for morsels of food, which they disputed fiercely with the famishing dogs. The green leaves were stripped from the trees, every living herb was converted into human food, but these expedients could not avert starvation.

Come, take these two wicked girls, they are tender morsels for you, fat as young quails; for mercy's sake eat them! The bear took no heed of his words, but gave the wicked creature a single blow with his paw, and he did not move again.

He saluted amiably; presently they started across the yard for their quarters, distributing morsels of wisdom and advice among the militiamen, who stared at them with awe and pointed at their beaded shot pouches, which were, alas! adorned with fringes of coarse hair, dyed scarlet. But Morgan must worry over that.

'Mr Squeers, said Ralph, drily. 'Sir. 'We'll avoid these precious morsels of morality if you please, and talk of business. 'With all my heart, sir, rejoined Squeers, 'and first let me say 'First let ME say, if you please. Noggs! Newman presented himself when the summons had been twice or thrice repeated, and asked if his master called. 'I did. Go to your dinner. And go at once.

He had brought, as usual, various odds and ends of news, scraps of European politics or gossip, and morsels of home intelligence, such as women who do not read newspapers like to be told by those who do, and he began to talk about them, but with no interest in what he said; completely preoccupied with that obstinate figure in the doorway.

She ate mere morsels of everything and talked the whole time, very often with the air of a gourmet; and she would lay down her knife and fork, after a meal such as a healthy blackbird might have enjoyed, as though she had finished some aldermanic feast.

To insure success it is the best plan to bait the bed itself for several days with scraps of beef or cheese strewn upon, and near it. If the fox once visits the place, discovers the tempting morsels and enjoys a good meal unmolested, he will be sure to revisit the spot so long as he finds a "free lunch" awaiting him.

"As a man with public business, I take a snack when I can. I will back this ham," he added, after swallowing some morsels with alarming haste, "against any ham in the three kingdoms. In my opinion it is better than the hams at Freshitt Hall and I think I am a tolerable judge." "Some don't like so much sugar in their hams," said Mrs. Waule. "But my poor brother would always have sugar."

To cut the matter short for we can't go on talking for another thirty years as people have done for the last thirty I ask you which you prefer: the slow way, which consists in the composition of socialistic romances and the academic ordering of the destinies of humanity a thousand years hence, while despotism will swallow the savoury morsels which would almost fly into your mouths of themselves if you'd take a little trouble; or do you, whatever it may imply, prefer a quicker way which will at last untie your hands, and will let humanity make its own social organisation in freedom and in action, not on paper?